Veiling 355 Printing Art

WERKMAN, H.N. The Next Call. (With:) J. Martinet. De Roepstem v. Werkman/Werkman's Call. Een studie over H. Werkman en The Next Call/A study devoted to H. Werkman and The Next Call. Utr., 1978. 1 vol. of text & 10 fold. lvs. in colour, loose as issued. Fol. Tog. in or. cardboard portfol. Printed in a limited edition. Well executed facsimile prints on laid paper. -- Id. Kalender 1945. (Facs. ed.). Gron., E. Forsten & Antiquariaat Janny Hazelhoff, 1995. 12 cold. lithogr. lvs. Fol. Loose as issued in obrds. portfolio. Printed in 500 numb. copies. -- (2).

€ 80

uitslag € 65

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