Veiling 355 Classical Antiquity - Authors

LOEB CLASSICAL LIBRARY -- DIONYSIUS of HALICARNASSUS. Roman antiquities. (Ed.) by E. Cary. Vol. 1, 5-7. (Repr. eds., after 2000). 4 (of 7) vols. -- Id. Critical essays. (Ed.) by S. Usher. (1985-after 2000). 2 vols. -- APPIANUS. Roman History. (Ed.) by B. McGing. 2019. 3 vols. -- DIO CASSIUS. Roman history. (Ed.) by E. Cary. Vols. 1, 3-6, 9. (Repr. eds., after 2000). 6 (of 9) vols. -- POLYBIUS. The histories. (Ed.) by W.R. Paton. Vol. 2-4, 6. (2010-12). 4 (of 6) vols. -- And 1 o., tog. 20 vols. Ocl. w. dust-j. - As new.

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