Veiling 355 Non European Civilizations - Egyptology

DAVIS, Th.M. The tombs of Harmhabi and Touatânkhamanou. - The Tomb of Siptah with The Tomb of Queen Tîyi. - The Tomb of Hâtshopsîtû. - The Tomb of Thoutmôsis IV. - The Tomb of Iouiya and Touiyou with The Funeral Papyrus of Iouiya. - (Photomech. reprints of the ed. 1904-12. 2000-04). 5 vols. 4°. Owrps. -- M. NEGM. The Tomb of Simut called Kyky. Theban Tomb 409 at Qurnah. (1997). 4°. Owrps. -- G.A. GABALLA. The Memphite Tomb-Chapel of Mose. (1977). 4°. Ocl. w. dust-j. -- W. HELCK. Das Grab Nr. 55 im Königsgräbertal. (2001). 4°. Obrds. -- And 4 similar excavation reports. (12).

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