LOGHEM, J.B. v. Bouwen, bauen, bâtir, building, Holland: nieuwe zakelijkheid, neues bauen, vers une architecture réelle, built to live in. (1932). Prof. ill. Lge-8°. Ocl. (Extremities slightly dam.). Design and typography P. Schuitema. - Fanelli, 410. -- G. WEST. Innovation and the rise of the tunnelling industry. (1988). Ocl. w. dust-j. (W. stamp). -- G.J.J. BOTH. Tunnelbouw. 1935. Clothbacked brds. w. or. photomontage wrps. laid down. -- L.A. BEARDSLEE. Experiments on the strength of wrought-iron and of chain-cables. Revised & abridged by W. Kent. 1879. W. front. Ohcl. (Spine ends dam., front. loose, w. perforated and ink stamps of Franklin Institute). -- And 2 o. (6).
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