Veiling 355 Bibliography - Typography - Fine Printing - Private Presses

WILSON, A. The making of the Nuremberg Chronicle. Amst., (1978). Prof. ill. Fol. Ocl. w. dust-j. -- J. CARTER. & P.H. MUIR, ed. Printing & the mind of man. A descriptive catalogue illustr. the impact of print on the evolution of western civilisation during 5 centuries. (1st ed., Lond., 1967). Prof. ill. 4°. Ocl. w. dust-j. -- Th. SUÁREZ. Early mapping of Southeast Asia. (1999). 4°. Or. bind. w. dust-j. -- M. McLEAN. The Cosmographia of Sebastian Münster. Describing the world in the Reformation. (2007). Ocl. w. dust-j. (Spine faded). -- And 4 o. (8).

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