Veiling 355 Classical Antiquity - Byzantium

PARTHENIUS OF NICAEA. The poetical fragments and the Erôtikà Pathèmta. Ed. w. introd. & comm. by J.L. Lightfoot. 1999. Obrds. -- S. GADOR-WHYTE & A. MELLAS, ed. Hymns, homilies and hermeneutics in Byzantium. (2021). Obrds. -- DIGENES AKRITES. Ed. w. introd., transl., & comm. by J. Mavrogordato. 1956. Ocl. (Spine a bit faded). -- MOSCHUS. Europa. Text, Übers. & Komm. v. W. Bühler. 1960. Clothbacked brds. -- C. DIEHL. Figures byzantines. 1965. 2 vols. Ocl. -- And 1 o. (7).

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