Veiling 355 Classical Antiquity - Authors

ARISTOTELES. Analytica priora et posteriora. Rec. W.D. Ross. (Repr. ed. 1964). Ocl. w. dust-j. (OCT). -- J. ECHEÑIQUE. Aristotle's Ethics and moral responsibilty. (2012). Obrds. w. dust-j. -- W.F.R. HARDIE. Aristotle's ethical theory. 1968. Ocl. -- S.H. BUTCHER. Aristotle's theory of poetry & fine art w. a crit. text & transl. of The Poetics. 4th ed. (Repr. ed. 1951). Ocl. -- J.J. WALSH. Aristotle's conception of moral weakness. 1963. Ocl. -- And 6 o. by/on A. (11).

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