Veiling 355 Classical Antiquity - Authors

POETARUM LESBIORUM FRAGMENTA. Ed. E. Lobel & D. Page. (1963). Ocl. w. dust-j. (Spine a bit stained). -- SAPPHO. Fragments of the lyrical poems. Ed. by E. Lobel. 1925. Ocl. (A bit foxed). -- TRAGICORUM GRAECORUM FRAGMENTA. Rec. A. Nauck. 1926. Cl. -- E. BAKOLA. Cratinus and the art of comedy. (2010). Obrds. w. dust-j. -- BUCOLIQUES GRECS. (Éd.) P.E. Legrand. 1e-5e éd. 1953-60. 2 vols. Owrps. (Col. Budé). -- And 4 o. (10).

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