GORSKI, G.J. & J.E. PACKER. The Roman Forum. A reconstruction and architectural guide. (2016). Prof. ill. 4°-obl. Obrds. w. dust-j. -- A. CARANDINI & P. CARAFA, eds. The atlas of ancient Rome. Biography and portraits of the city. (2017). 2 vols. Prof. ill. 4°. Obrds. In or. slipcase. -- (3).
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LAMPS -- HOWLAND, R.H. & J. PERLZWEIG. The Athenian agora. Vol. IV: Greek lamps and their survivals. Vol. VII: Lamps of the Roman period. 1958-61. 2 vols. of the series. W. plates. 4°. Ocl. (Ex libr. copies w. stamps, (remnants of) tickets). -- E.P. ZOÏTOPOÚLOU & J.M. FOSSEY. Les lampes gréco-romaines. 1992. W. ill. 4°. Owrps. -- O. BRONEER. Terracotta lamps. 1977. W. plates. 4°. Ocl. -- E. ALRAM-STERN. Die römischen Lampen aus Carnuntum. 1989. W. plates. 4°. Owrps. -- And 6 o. on the subject. (11).
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