AELIANUS. Varia historia, ad MStos Codices nunc primum rec. & castigata, cum vers. J. Vulteji. Et perpetuo comm. J. Perizonii. - (Bound with: 2 small works by Perizonius: Dissertatio de morte Judae (1702) & Responsio ad nuperam notitiam (1703)). Leyden, J. du Vivie & I. Severinus, 1701. 4 in 1 vol. (66), 522; (2), 523-1018, (226); (4), 87; (2), 110 pp. W. engr. ti., 4 engr. ti-vign. & sev. text-engr. Cont. cf. w. raised bands, dec. gilt back. (Spine reinforced). -- EPICTETUS. Enchiridium, una cum Cebetis Thebani tabula Gr. & Lat. Ex rec. A. Berkelii. Quibus acced. notae Wolfii, Casauboni, Caselii & al., cum Gr. paraphrasi. Leyden & Amst., D., A. & A. à Gaasbeek, 1670. (24), 250 pp. W. engr. ti. & fold. engr. by R. de Hooghe. Cont. vellum. (Ex libr. copy). -- Added: L. BOS. Ellipses Graecæ. Nuremberg, 1763. Old (worn) brds., uncut. -- (3).
€ 140
uitslag € 130
AQUINO, C. d'. Nomenclator agriculturæ. Rome, A. de Rubeis, 1736. (8), 178, (14) pp. W. engr. ti-vign.4°. Old brds., uncut. (Spine worn/dam., some holes in free endpapers, else a clean and uncut copy).
€ 80
uitslag € 120
AUGUSTINUS. (Opera omnia. Ed. Des. Erasmus). Basel, Froben, 1569. 10 in 9 vols. (vol. 1-2 bound tog.) & index-vol., tog. 10 vols. (28) lvs., 882, 896; 1078, 1308; 1398, 878; 1438; 1756; 1198 cols.; 1706 cols.; (129) lvs. W. repeated woodcut printer's devices, woodcut ti-p. in the first vol., and many woodcut initials. Fol. Cont. h. blind tooled pigskin over wooden brds. w. brass clasps & catches. (Vol. 1-2 with sl. diff. binding (this bind. is a bit dam., joints split)).
€ 1500
uitslag € 2800
CATO, (a.o.). De re rustica. Cologne, J. Gymnicus, 1536. (31), 814, (8) pp. Woodcut initials, some illustr. in text. Modern calf w. tails. (Spine raised in compartments, various name entries on paste-down & endpapers. Some annot. in ink & underl. in first chapters, title handwritten on edge).
€ 200
uitslag € 380
CLEMENS ALEXANDRINUS. Omnia, quæ quidem extant opera, à paucis iam annis inuenta, & nunc denuò accur. exusa, Gentiano Herueto Aureliano interprete. Par., M. Sonnius, 1572. (8), 242, (54) pp. -- Bound after: HILARIUS PICTAVIENSIS. Quotquot extant opera, nostro ferè seculo literatorum quorundam non mediocri labore conquisita (…). Horum catalogum versa pagina indicabit. Par., M. Sonnius, 1572. (28), 368, (35) pp. -- 2 in 1 vol. Fol. Later full cf. w. raised bands, dec. gilt back & sides, red edges. (Bind. dam., espec at the bottom, 2 corners repaired, some minor wormholes in bind., weak hinges, inner margin of ti. of 2nd mentioned work a bit dam., a few faint pencil annot., small ink drawings in lower margin on penultimate leaf, but else a clean copy).
€ 300
uitslag € 300
DALE, A. v. Dissertationes IX. Antiquitatibus, quin et marmoribus, cum Romanis, tum potissimum Graecis, illustrandis inservientes. Amst., H. & Wed. Th. Boom, 1702. (44), 804, (16) pp. W. 9 engr. plates. 4°. Cont. vellum. (Upper hinge broken, several marginal annot. in ink). -- Id. Dissertationes de origine ac progressu idololatriae et superstitionum: de vera ac falsa prophetia; uti et de divinationibus idololatricis Judaeorum. Amst., H. & Wed. Th. Boom, 1696. (50), 762, (14) pp. 4º. Vellum. (Rebacked w. modern vellum, sides cont. vellum, speckled edges, foxing & browning in the first half, a few wormholes (do not run into the text), some have been "repaired" w. mending tape). -- (2).
€ 180
uitslag € 150
DEMOSTHENES & AESCHINES. Principum Græciæ oratorum opera, cum utriusque autoris vita & Ulpiani commentariis, novisque scholiis, (…). (Ed.) H. Wolfius. Basel, Ex off. Hervagiana, 1572. (17), 744, (32), 368, 218 pp. Woodcut printer's device on ti-p & at the end. Fol. Cont. pigskin over wooden boards, spine raised in compartments, both sides profusely blindtooled w. floral motifs & a border w. 14 portraits. (Some dustsoiling, split at the corners, clasps mostly missing, some yellowing, neat annot. in ink on endpapers, foxing, light waterstaining in last part, annot. & underl. in ink in first part).
€ 500
uitslag € 450
FLORUS. Epitome rerum Romanarum. Cum integris Salmasii, Freinshemii, Graevii, et selectis aliorum animadv., rec., suasque adnot. addidit C.A. Dukerus. Ed. 2a. Leiden, S. Luchtmans, 1744. (58), 858, (122), 39, (1) pp. W. engr. front. & 1 fold. engr. map of the ancient world. Cont. hcf. (Bind. sl. dam./chafed, small stamp on ti.). -- MYTHOGRAPHI LATINI: C.J. Hyginus, F.P. Fulgentius, Lactantius Placidus, Albricus Philosophus. Th. Munckerus (...) emend., & comm. perpetuis. Amst., Ex Off. vid. J. à Someren, 1681. 2 parts in 1 vol. (50), 487, (61); (32), 330, (26) pp. W. engr. ti., engr. portr. of the editor, & 43 fine square text-engr. of astronomical & mythological creatures and symbols. Cont. vellum. (Front side sl. dam./stained, stained throughout). -- And 3 o. (5).
uitslag € 0
HELIODORUS. Æthiopicorum Libri X. Ad fidem Mss. ab H. Commelino emendati. Lyon, Widow A. de Harsy, 1611. (16), 582, (33) pp. Cont. vellum w. gilt dec. spine w. brown label & gilt dec. borders. (Slighty yellowed, faint marginal waterstaining, modest underlining in pencil throughout).
€ 110
uitslag € 200
JUSTINUS. Ex trogi Pompeii historiis externis libri xliv his accesit ex Sex. Aurelio victore De vita & moribus Romanorum Imperatorum Epitome. Lyon, Seb. Gryphius, 1538. 350, (25) pp. W. printer's mark on ti-p. and woodcut printer's mark at the end. Cont. limp vellum. (Sides scuffed, ties fail, paste-downs detached, w. several name entries & modest scribbles on vellum, paste-downs & (repaired) endpapers, text block sound & tight, some waterstaining, some yellowing).
uitslag € 320
JUVENALIS & PERSIUS. Satyrae. Iam recens rec. Lyon, S. Gryphius, 1538. 159 pp. W. woodcut printer's mark on ti. Old mottled cf. w. raised bands & dec. gilt back, red edges. (Bottom of spine chipped, bind. a bit chafed, name entry scratched out on ti-p., outer margin faintly stained in places).
uitslag € 340
JUVENALIS & PERSIUS. Satyræ. Cum veteris scholiastæ & var. comm. Ed. nova. Amst., H. Wetstenius, 1684. 2 in 1 vol. (46), 525, (93), (2); 112, (18) pp. W. ti-engr. Cont. vellum. -- PLAUTUS. Comoediae. Acc. comm. ex var. notis & observat., quarum plurinae nunc primum eduntur. Ex rec. J.F. Gronovii. Leyden, (F.) Hackius, 1684. (16), 1154, (52) pp. W. engr. ti. Cont. overlapping vellum. (Wear to extremities, annot. in ink in an old hand on first free endpaper, title-p. loose, annot. in ink in places, text block generally sound). -- (2).
uitslag € 100
LIVIUS & FLORUS. Von Ankunfft und Ursprung deß Römischen Reichs (…) biß auff der ersten Römischen Keyser Regierung. Jetzund auff das newe auß dem Latein verteutscht. Strassb., Th. Rihel, 1603. (28), 887, (23), (2 blank) pp. W. woodcut ti. printed in red & black, c. 130 woodcuts in the text & num. woodcut initials. Fol. Cont. richly blind stamped pigskin over wooden brds. w. raised bands, brass clasps & catches. (Extremities a bit dam./worn, pigskin a bit soiled, tear in first free endpaper, browned/foxed as usual, but in places rather severe).
€ 600
uitslag € 550
OVIDIUS. De gedaant-wisselingen in het Latyn en Nederduitsch. Nieulyx vert. d. I. Verburg, nevens omstandige aantekeningen tot opheldering der verdichtselen d. A. Banier. Amst., R. and J. Wetstein & W. Smith, 1732. 2 in 1 vol. (18), 247; (2), 249-524, (4) pp. W. engr. front., 2 engr. ti-vign., dedic. engr., 124 text-engrs. & 3 plates w. 2 ills. each after Lebrun, Picart, Punt, a.o. by Bouche, Folkema, Van Gunst, Wandelaar, a.o. Fol., spine raised in compartments. (Spine & sides chafed, upper hinge split but holding, wear at extremities, some yellowing and (finger-)staining in places, stain on upper edge in the beginning, tear in lower margin of N3, still a very good copy w. ample margins).
€ 800
PERIZONIUS -- SANCTIUS, F. Minerva, seu de causis linguae latinae commentarius, cui inserta sunt, uncis inclusa, quae addidit G. Scioppius, et subjectae suis paginis notae J. Perizonii. Ed. 4a. Amst., Janssonius-Waesbergius, 1714. (30), 864, 32, (62) pp. W. engr. front. Cont. vellum. (A bit browned/foxed). -- AELIANUS. Varia historia et fragmenta. Cum integr. comm. J. Perizonii. Cur. ed. C.G. Kuehn. Lpz., E.B. Svikert, 1780. 2 in 1 vol. liv, 428; (2), 450, (2) pp. W. engr. ti. & some text-ill. Old brds. (A bit worn/dam., stamp on ti., a few stains). -- And 1 o. by Perizonius. (3).
uitslag € 65
PHAEDRUS. Fabularum Æsopiarum ll. V; notis perpetuis illustr., (…) ed. à J. Laurentio. Amst., J. Janssonius à Waesberge & vid. E. Weyerstraet, 1667. (64), 462, (206) pp. W. engr. ti-p. & 103 text-engrs. Cont. cf., spine raised in bands w. brown label, sides ruled & blindtooled, edges dec. in gilt. (Slight yellowing & some stains, some modest scoring in an old hand, w. the brothel scene on p. 276 intact).
€ 240
PLAUTUS. Les Comédies de Plaute nouvellement traduites en stile libre, naturel & naif, avec des notes & des réflexions enjouées, de critique, d'antiquité, de morale & de politique, par Mons. de Gueudeville. Leyd., P. v.d. Aa, 1719. 10 vols. All vols. w. diff. engr. frontisp.; vol. 1 w. extra fold. frontisp. & fold. table, 19 plates throughout the set. Cont. hcf. extra, spines raised in compartments, dec. in gilt. (All vols. some wear at extremities, lovely, somewhat dam. marbled endpapers, a very nice set indeed). -- PLATO. Le premier Alcibiade, trad. en françois par M. de Le Fevre, éd. revue et corrigée et augmentée de remarques sur la nouvelle traduction françoise des dix livres de la République. Amst., M.M. Rey, 1719. - Bound with: Id. La République ou Dialogue sur la justice. Amst., M.M. Rey, 1763. - 2 in 1 vol. Cont. cf., spine raised in compartments w. brown label & dec. in gilt. Sides ruled in gilt, speckled edges. (Some yellowing/foxing). -- (11).
€ 100
uitslag € 160
POMPONIUS MELA -- VOSSIUS, I. Observationes ad Pomponium Melam De situ orbis. Ipse Mela longè quam antehac emend. præmittitur. The Hague, A. Vlacq, 1658. (4), 66, (24); (2), 316, (20) pp. 4°. Cont. cf. w. gilt coat of arms of William Tighe (1657-79) on both sides. (Top of spine chipped, corners dam./bumped, cf. a bit chafed). -- Added: POMPONIUS MELA. De situ orbis ll. III. Cum not. integr. H. Barbari, (...) I. Vossii, et J. Gronovio. Acc. P.J. Nunnesii epistola de Patria Pomponii Melae, (...) & J. Perizonii adnot. ad libri I., cap. 17. Cur. A. Gronovio. Ed. 2a. Leiden, S. Luchtmans, 1748. (20), 1081, (55) pp. W. engr. front., 1 fold. map & 43 text-engr. Cont. cf. w. fine marbled edges. (Rebacked w. use of old spine (loosening), a bit browned/foxed). -- (2).
€ 160
(SCHISLING, F.). Die Hauptgötter der Fabel in Kupfern, mit ihrer Geschichte und ursprünglichen Bedeutung. Vienna, "Herausgegeben von den Unternehmern von Ovids Verwandlungen", 1793. 125, (1) pp. W. engr. ti. & 24 beautifully engr. plates by Stöber, Mansfeld, Gerstner, Blaschke & Kohl. Sm-4°. Cont. cf. w. dec. gilt back & endpapers dec. by hand. (Extremities a bit dam., spine chafed, upper joint partly split, a few foxing spots, but else a very clean copy with ample margins).
€ 120
uitslag € 90
TACITUS. Jaarboeken en Historien, ook zyn Germanië, en 't leeven v. J. Agricola. In 't Hollandtsch vert. d. P.C. Hooft. Amst., H. Boom & Wed. v. D. Boom, 1684. (52), 717, (4), 14, (94) pp. W. 14 engr. portrs. by A. Vaillandt & 8 double-p. engr. by I. Mulder after O. Vænius. 4°. Cont. blind tooled vellum. (A bit browned, but a good copy).
€ 150
TACITUS. Opera quae exstant, a J. Lipsio postremum rec., eiusque auctis emend. comment. illustr.: item C. Velleius Paterculus cum eiusdem J. Lipsi auctor. notis. - J. LIPSIUS. Dispunctio notarum Mirandulani Cod. ad C. Tacitum. Ed. ultima. Antwerp, Ex off. Plantiniana Balth. Moreti, 1648. 3 parts in 1 vol. (16), 547, (32); 36; 84, (14) pp. W. lge printer's devices on the ti. & at the end of each part and sev. magnificent woodcut initials & (lge) vign. in places. Fol. Cont. blind tooled vellum, spine raised in bands. (Spots on vellum, wear to extremities, piece of the vellum cut out (board visible), paste-downs detached, some waterstaining & yellowing in textblock, but soundly bound).
TERENTIUS. Les comédies. Trad. Nouv., avec le texte Lat. à côté, et des notes. Par M. l'Abbé Le Monnier. Par., Jombert, 1771. 3 vols. W. engr. front. & 6 engr. plates. Beautiful cont. full cf. w. raised bands, richly dec. gilt backs, sides ruled in gilt w. gilt floral dec. in corners, inside dentelles & red edges. -- And 5 o. in French translation. (8).