ANDO, T. Metaphysics. A crit. survey of its meaning. 2nd enl. ed. 1974. Owrps. -- S.C. EASTON. Roger Bacon and his search for a universal science. (1952). Ocl. -- M. SCHOFIELD & G. STRIKER, ed. The norms of nature. Studies in Hellenistic ethics. (1986). Obrds. -- I. DILHAM. Free will. An hist. & philos. introduction. (1999). Owrps. -- J.R. LUCAS. The freedom of the will. 1970. Ocl. w. dust-j. -- And 18 o. (23).
€ 70
uitslag € 130
ARMSTRONG, A.H., N. KRETZMANN, (a.o.), eds. The Cambridge history of later Greek & early medieval philosophy (&) Later medieval philosophy. (1970-88). 2 vols. Ocl. w. dust-j. & owrps. -- F. v. STEENBERGHEN. La philosophie au 13e s. 1966. Owrps. (Phil. Méd., 9). -- G. MEYER & A. ZIMMERMANN, hrsg. Albertus Magnus Doctor Universalis 1280/1980. (1980). Ocl. w. dust-j. -- And 7 o. (11).
€ 60
COHEN, H.F. How modern science came into the world. Four Civilizations, One 17th-c. Breakthrough. (2010). Lge-8°. Obrds. -- J.H.J. v.d. POT. Die Bewertung des technischen Fortschritts. Eine systematische Übersicht der Theorien. 1985. 2 vols. Lge-8°. Ocl. w. dust-j. -- K.R. POPPER. The Logic of Scientific Discovery. (1959). Ocl. w. (stained) dust-j. -- (R.) DESCARTES. Œuvres et lettres. (1970). Or. cf. w. mylar cover. -- C.A. PICKOVER. Archimedes to Hawking. 2008. Ohcl. w. dust-j. -- And 4 o. (10).
uitslag € 140
NIETZSCHE, F. Nagelaten fragmenten. Herfst 1869 - begin 1889. Teksteditie en annotatie d. G. Colli & M. Montinari. Vert. d. M. v. Nieuwstadt. (Nijm., 2001-07). 7 vols. Owrps.
uitslag € 120
NUCHELMANS, G. Theories of the proposition. Ancient and medieval conceptions of the bearers of truth and falsity. 1973. Obrds. -- Id. Late-scholastic & humanist theories of the proposition. 1980. Owrps. -- W. & M. KNEALE. The development of logic. (Corr. ed. 1971). Ocl. w. dust-j. -- J. PINBORG. Logik & Semantik im Mittelalter. Ein Überblick. 1972. Owrps. -- I.M. BOCHENSKI. Ancient formal logic. 1968. W. 1 fold. diagram. Or. stiff wrps. -- And 6 o. (11).
€ 65
RUSSELL, B. Logic and knowledge. Essays, 1901-50. Ed. by R.C. Marsh. (1966). Ocl. w. dust-j. -- Id. The autobiography, 1872-1967. (1971-78). 3 vols. Ocl. w. dust-j. -- B. BLANSHARD. Reason and goodness. (1966). Ocl. -- G.H. v. WRIGHT. The varieties of goodness. (1963). Ocl. w. dust-j. -- H.W.B. JOSEPH. Essays in ancient & modern philosophy. 1935. Ocl. -- And 9 o. (16).
uitslag € 100
SARTRE, J.P. L'imagination. Par., Libr. F. Alcan, 1936. (4), 162, (2) pp. Owrps. (Spine for the greater part gone, rep. w. mending tape, sides a bit chipped, a bit browned). - Rare first edition.
uitslag € 0
SCHOPENHAUER, A. Der handschriftliche Nachlaß. Hrsg. v. A. Hübscher. Frankf. a/M., 1966-75. 5 in 6 vols. Ocl. w. dust-j.
SCHOPENHAUER, A. Die Welt als Wille und Vorstellung. Hrsg. v. L. Berndl. München, 1912-13. 2 vols. Cont. hcf. w. dec. gilt backs. -- E. HARTMANN. Geschichte der Metaphysik. Lpz., 1899-1900. 2 vols. Cont. h. mor. extra w. marbled edges. -- M. HEIDEGGER. Sein und Zeit. 8. Aufl. 1957. Ocl. w. dust-j. -- Id. Holzwege. (1st ed.). (1950). Ocl. (Spine slightly worn, some pencil underl.). -- And 6 o. (12).
uitslag € 90
SCHOPENHAUER, A. Gesammelte Briefe. Hrsg. v. A. Hübscher. 1978. -- Id. Gespräche. Neue, stark erw. Ausg. Hrsg. v. A. Hübscher. (1971). Ocl. -- Id. Sämtliche Werke. Textkrit. bearb. & hrsg. v. W. Frhr. v. Löhneysen. (1965-78). 5 vols. In slipcases. -- B. MAGEE. The philosophy of Schopenhauer. 1983. Ocl. w. dust-j. -- 8 vols. Ocl. w. dust-j. -- And 4 o. on S. (12).
€ 80
SCHOPENHAUER, A. Parerga en paralipomena. Kleine filosofische geschriften. (2002). 2 vols. Ocl. w. dust-j. In or. slipcase. -- J.-P. SARTRE. Het zijn en het niet. Proeve van een fenomenologische ontologie. Vert. d. F. de Haan. (2003). Obrds. w. dust-j. -- M. HEIDEGGER. Zijn en tijd. Vert. d. M. Wildschut. (1998). Ocl. w. dust-j. -- H. ARENDT. Het leven van de geest. Vert. d. D. De Schutter & R. Peeters. (2021). Ohcl. -- And 6 o. in Dutch (translation). (11).
WITTGENSTEIN, L. Prototractatus. An early version of Tractatus logico-philosophicus. Ed. by B.F. McGuinness, T. Nyberg & G.H. v. Wright. (1971). 4°. Ocl. w. dust-j. -- Id. Preliminary studies for the "Philosophical investigations", generally known as the blue and the brown books. 1964. Ocl. w. (a bit soiled) dust-j. -- Id. Remarks on colour / Bemerkungen über die Farben. Ed. by G.E.M. Anscombe. (1977). Ocl. w. dust-j. -- G.E.M. ANSCOMBE. Intention. (2nd ed. 1968). Owrps. (Spine ends slightly dam., some marg. pencil stripes). -- And 1 o. (5).
uitslag € 110