Veiling 355
Classical Antiquity - Religion
GOCEVA, Z., M. OPPERMAN, (a.o.). Corpus cultus equitis Thracii (CCET). Vol. I, II-1, II-2, IV, V. 1979-82. 5 vols. Cl. (Interleaved copies). Complete, vol. 3 was never published. -- J.H. BLOK. The early Amazons. Modern & ancient perspectives on a persistent myth. 1995. Ocl. w. dust-j. -- M.J. VERMASEREN. Liber in deum. L'apoteosi di un iniziato dionisiaco. 1976. Ocl. -- 7 vols. (EPRO 53, 74, 120).
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GREEK TESTAMENT, THE. With a crit. rev. text & comm. by H. Alford. 3th-6th ed. Lond., (etc.), 1865-68. 4 vols. Cont. full vellum binds. w. richly dec. gilt backs, red and green labels, red edges, sides ruled in gilt and with coat of arms of the 'Hulme Bequest' on all sides. (Vellum vols. 1 & 4 a bit stained, some minor foxing). -- J. BINGHAM. Antiquities of the Christian Church. Lond., 1870. 2 vols. Lge-8°. Full cont. vellum w. red labels, red edges, and with coat of arms of the 'Hulme Bequest' on all sides. -- (6).
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Veiling 355
Classical Antiquity - Religion