Auction 360 Old & Rare Books - Classical Antiquity

TERENTIUS. Comoediae VI, ad fidem XII amplius Mss. cod. et (…) notae ed. rec., & comm. perpetuo illustr. Acc. interpret. vetustiores, additis observat. Porro F. Lindenbruchii observat. (…). Cur. A.H. Westerhovius. The Hague, P. Gosse, 1726. 2 vols. (104), 1240, 244, (380) pp. W. 2 engr. fronts. after P. v. Cuyck & engr. portr. of the author. 4°. Cont. vellum w. gilt dec. vignets on both sides, w. ties. -- Added: LUCRETIUS. De rerum natura ll. VI, cum interpret. & notis Th. Creech. Ed. nova emend. Basel, E. Thurneysen, 1770. 16, 370, (94) pp. Cont. vellum w. red label. -- APULEIUS. Opera. Ad optimas ed. collata praemit. not. lit. Studiis Soc. Bipont. 1788. 2 vols. Cont. h. vellum w. orange labels. -- (5).

Ad 1: Dibdin II, 475: "A sumptuous & valuable edition. (…) The index is copious; drawn up after the manner of Nizolius' Thesaurus Ciceronianus"; Schweiger II, 1068; Brunet V, 717; Graesse VI, 60. - Fine set.

€ 150

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