Auction 360 Non European Civilizations - Ancient Near East & Middle East

MAYER, W. Tall Munbâqa-Ekalte II: Die Texte. (2001). Fol. Obrds. (WVDOG 102). -- Th. RICHTER & S. LANGE. Das Archiv des Idadda. Die Keilschrifttexte aus den deutsch-syrischen Ausgrabungen 2001-2003 im Königspalast von Qatna. 2012. 4°. Obrds. -- M.N. v. LOON, ed. Hammam et-Turkman I. Report on the Univ. of. Amsterda's 1981-84 excavations in Syria. 1988. 2 vols. Owrps. -- G. SERVADIO, ed. Ancient Syrian writings. (2009). Owrps. -- And 3 o. (8).

€ 100

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