Auction 359 Non European Civilizations - Ancient Near East & Middle East

SUMER - AKKAD -- KOUWENBERG, N.J.C. The Akkadian verb and its Semitic background. 2010. Obrds. -- Id. Gemination in the Akkadian verb. 1997. Owrps. -- W. v. SODEN. Grundriss der akkadischen Grammatik samt Erg.-Heft. 2. unveränd. Aufl. 1969. 2 in 1 vol. - Id. & W. RÖLLIG. Das akkadische Syllabar. 2. Aufl. 1967. - 2 vols. 4°. Owrps. (AO, 33/47 & 42). -- I.J. GELB. Old Akkadian writing and grammar. 2nd ed. 1973. Owrps. -- Id. Glossary of Old Akkadian. (1957). Owrps. -- Id. Sequential reconstruction of proto-Akkadian. (1969). Owrps. (Spine faded). -- And 1 o. (9).

€ 80

result € 90

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