Auction 359 Classical Antiquity - Authors

STATIUS. Silvarum libri. Hrsg. & erkl. v. F. Vollmer. (Nachdr. Ausg. 1898). 1971. Ocl. -- SALLUSTIUS. Bellum Catilinae. A comment. by P. McGushin. 1977. Owrps. -- MARTIALIS. Epigrammaton libri. M. erkl. Anmerk. v. L. Friedlaender. 1886. 2 vols. Cl. -- JUVENALIS. Saturarum ll. V. M. erkl. Anmerk. v. L. Friedlaender. 1895. 2 parts in 1 vol. Cont. h. mor. (Spine rep., upper hinge broken). -- PERSIUS. The satires. W. transl. & comm. by J. Conington. Ed. by H. Nettleship. 3rd ed. 1893. Ocl. -- And 6 o. (12).

€ 70

result € 60

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