Auction 359 Non European Civilizations - Ancient Near East & Middle East

LIVINGSTONE, A. Mystical and mythological explanatory works of Assyrian and Babylonian scholars. 1986. Ocl. -- J.V. KINNIER WILSON. The rebel lands. An investigation into the origins of early Mesopotamian mythology. (1979). Obrds. w. dust-j. -- E.J.M. WITZEL. The origins of the world's mythologies. (2012). Owrps. -- S.M. MAUL. Die Wahrsagekunst im Alten Orient. Zeichen des Himmels und der Erde. (2013). Ocl. w. dust-j. -- C. BLACKER & M. LOEWE, eds. Ancient cosmologies. (1975). Ocl. -- And 5 o. (10).

€ 90

result € 380

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