Auction 359 Non European Civilizations - Ancient Near East & Middle East

LARSEN, M. T. The old Assyrian City-State and its Colonies. 1976. Obrds. -- Id., ed. Power and Propaganda. A symposium on ancient empires. 1979. Obrds. -- M.-L. THOMSEN. The Sumerian Language. An introd. to its history and grammatical structure. 1984. Obrds. -- F. JOHANSEN. Statues of Gudea Ancient and Modern. 1978. Owrps. -- B.ALSTER, (ed.). Death in Mesopotamia. XXVIe Rencontre assyriologique internationale. 1980. Owrps. -- And 5 o. (10). (Mesopotamia 1-10).

€ 100

result € 150

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