Auction 359 Palaeography - Codicology - Illuminated Manuscripts

ILLUMINATED MANUSCRIPTS -- LORSCHER ROTULUS, Der. Ms. Barth. 179 Stadt- und Universitätsbibliothek Frankfurt a. Main. Hrsg. v. J. Fried. Graz, Akad. Druck- u. Verlagsanstalt, 2004. Square tube/box containing the manuscript scroll in facs. (253 x 24 cm) w. wooden supports at both ends, ocl. text-vol. and 7 page 'Interimskommentar' published in 1994. (Codices Selecti IC & IC*).

Probably commissioned by Louis the German and the pride of the city of Frankfurt today: the only surviving scroll of the Carolingian period with the names of over 500 saints. Printed in a limited and numbered edition.

€ 120

result € 90

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