Auction 359 Pomology

COLLECTION of 33 books & booklets in Dutch, French, German & English on fruit, fruit farming, gardening, making preserves, &c. (c. 1860-1950). Several w. illustr. Ocl. (7), obrds. (1), owrps.

I.a.: STOFFERT-PEINE, F. Was verlangt mein Obstbaum von mir? 1940. - OPLEG VAN GROENTEN en fruit voor den winter. 1915. - FLORALIES GANTOISES Livre d'or du monde horticole. 1913. - G. BUNYARD. Fruit farming for profit. (Up to date). 1890. - Th. GREGG. A hand-book of fruit culture. (1857). -- E. VAN DE PUTTE. Louis van Houtte herdacht!. 1909. - A. CEUTERICK. Le Comte Oswald de Kerchove de Denterghem. Notes biographiques. 1908. - FESTSCHRIFT aus Anlass des hundertjährigen Bestehens der Flora sächsiche Gesellschaft für Botanik und Gartenbau in Dresden. (1926).

€ 70

result € 130

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