Auction 359 Foreign Languages - General

INDO-EUROPEAN LANGUAGES -- GAMKRELIDZE, T.V. & V.V. IVANOV. Indo-European & the Indo-Europeans. A reconstruction & hist. analysis of a proto-language and a proto-culture. 1995. 2 vols., incl. indexes. Ocl. (Trends in linguistics. Studies & monographs 80). -- V. BUBENIK, (a.o.), eds. Grammatical change in Indo-European languages. (2009). Obrds. -- R.S.P. BEEKES. Comparative Indo-Eur. linguistics. An introd. 2nd ed. (2011). Obrds. -- H.C. MELCHERT, ed. The Indo-European verb. Proceed. of the Conf. of the Soc. for Indo-Eur. Studies. 2012. Obrds. -- And 3 o. (8).

€ 120

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