Auction 359 Old & Rare Books - Religion

DE DIEU, L. Animadversiones sive Commentarius In quatuor Evangelia, In quo Collatis, Syri imprimis, Arabis, Evangelii Hebræi, Vulgati, Erasmi & Bezæ versionibus, (…). Leyden, Ex Off. B. & A. Elzevir, 1631. (16), 548, (20) pp. W. woodcut printer's mark on ti-p. - Bound with: J. CHRISTIANUS. Speculum harmonicum, Hoc est: Genesis et analysis Harmoniæ Quatuor Evangelistarum, Synoptica; Perpetuâ dichotomiâ illustrata, secundùm seriem temporum, locorum & rerum gestarum accuratissimam; (…). Bern, G. Sonnleitner(us), 1642. (52) pp. - 2 in 1 vol. 4°. Cont. vellum. (Spine professionally restored, slightly waterstained throughout, annot. in an old hand on upper paste down).

Ad 1: Partly printed in Syriac, Arabic and Greek type. - Willems 346. Ad 2: Rather scarce treatise on the genealogy of Christ and dealing with the chronology of the 'passio Christi' based on evangelist sources. With owner's entry of the Swiss theologian Johann Kaspar Hagenbuch (1700-1763).

€ 200

result € 160

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