ROOK, G.J. Xprmntl ptry. Exp/press, 1971. Owrps. -- R. KOUSBROEK. Varkensliedjes. Uitg. Plaatsmaken, 1993. Design by J. v.d. Bos. Sm-square-4°. Obrds. ringbinder. -- R. VROEGINDEWEIJ. Op de singel. (1986). W. 4 silkscreen prints by the author, signed in pencil, loose in cover. Owrps., Japanese bound. In ocl. clamshell box. Printed in a lim. ed. This copy Roman numb. (#I). -- A. LOOS. De Does & Loos. Ornament en misdaad. Kaba-ornamenten. Antw., Het Gonst, 2013. Square-4°. Owrps. In or. slipcase. Printed in 30 numb. copies. -- C. NOOTEBOOM. Een avontuur in St. Tropez. (1967). 4°. Or. clothbacked brds. (Sl. worn along edges). Design by W. Crouwel. -- And 19 o. (smaller) works. (24).
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