Auction 357 Private Presses - Printing Art

PROP, SER J.L. -- STORNI, A. Gedichten. Gekozen en vert. d. L.Th. Lehmann. (2010). Owrps. Printed in 65 numb. copies. -- K. FENS. Allesbehalve in ruste. (2005). Owrps. Printed in a lim. ed. of 90 copies. -- E. LEEFLANG. Bitterzoet bevernel. 2006. Owrps. Printed in 60 numb. copies, signed by the author. -- J. BRODSKY. De Herfstkreet van de havik. (2007). Owrps. Printed in 30 copies. -- J. KUIJPER. Albumbladen. 1999. Owrps. Printed in 85 numb. copies. -- And 12 o. by the same press. (17).

€ 70

result € 80

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