Auction 357 Natural History - Medicine - Science - Technology

ASTRONOMY -- AITON, E.J. The vortex theory of planetary motions. (1972). Ocl. w. dust-j. (Shelfwear). -- A. COOK. Edmond Halley. Charting the heavens and the seas. 1998. Obrds. w. dust-j. -- D.B. HERRMANN. The history of astronomy from Herschel to Hertzsprung. Transl. & rev. by K. Krisciunas. (1984). Ocl. dust-j. -- M.A. HOSKIN. William Herschel and the construction of the heavens. (1963). Obrds. -- A. BERRY. A short history of astronomy. 1898. Ocl. (Some wear at the extremities). -- And 4 o. (9).

€ 60

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