Auction 357 Philosophy

PINES, S. Studies in Islamic atomism. Transl. by M. Schwarz. Ed. by T. Langermann. (1997). Obrds. -- F. STAAL. Rules without meaning. Ritual, mantras and the human sciences. (1989). Obrds. -- Id. Universals. Studies in Indian logic and Linguistics. (1988). Owrps. -- A. BAZZANA, (a.o., eds.). Averroès et l'averroïsme (XIIe-XVe siècle). Un itinéraire historique du Haut Atlas à Paris et à Padoue. (2005). Owrps. -- S.O. IMBO. A introduction to African Philosophy. (1998). Owrps. -- And 14 o. (19).

€ 80

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