Auction 357 Bibliography - Typography - Fine Printing

FACSIMILE EDITIONS -- MÜNSTER, S. Cosmographia. (Repr. ed. Basel 1588). Red.: A. v.d. Toorn. Gouda, A.B. Dick, 1980. 26 maps in 4° cl. portfol. Printed in 500 numb. not for sale. -- H. SCHEDEL. Chronicle of the world. The complete and annot. Nuremberg Chronicle of 1493. Introd. & appendix by S. Füssel. Cologne, 2001. Fol. Or. velvet bind. -- BIBLE in DUYTSCHE. Delft, 1477. (Facs. ed. 1977). 2 vols. 4°. Or. binds. In or. slipcase. -- J. HEYBLOCQ. The album amicorum of Jacob Heyblocq. Ed. by K. Thomassen & J.A. Gruys. (Facs. ed. 1645-78. 1998). 1 text-book & 1 facs. album. Ocl. & obrds. In ocl. slipcase. -- HERBARIUS in Dyetsche, Den. [Antw. ca. 1500]. W. an introd. by L.J. Vandewiele. 1974. Obrds. -- Added: K.C. PEETERS & J. BAUWENS. Een Jaar met Sanctjes van L.J. Fruytiers. (&) Het oeuvre van L.J. Fruytiers. (1974). Tog. in obrds. clamshell box. -- And 3 o. (11).

€ 80

result € 140

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