Auction 357 Natural History - Medicine - Science - Technology

FRIEDEN, B.R. Physics from Fisher information. A unification. (1998). Ocl. w. dust-j. -- W.M. DICKSON. Quantum chance and non-locality. Probability and non-locality in the interpretations of quantum mechanics. (1998). Ocl. w. dust.-j. -- F. LALOË. Do we really understand quantum mechanics? (2012). Obrds. -- R. HEALEY. The Quantum revolution in philosophy. (2017). Ocl. w. dust-j. -- P. DAVIES & N.H. GREGERSEN, (eds.). Information and the nature of reality. From physics to metaphysics. (2010). Ocl. w. dust-j. -- And 3 o. (8).

€ 70

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