AMSTERDAM -- WAGENAAR, J. Amsterdam, in zyne opkomst, aanwas, geschiedenissen, voorregten, koophandel, gebouwen, kerkenstaat, schoolen, schutterye, gilden en regeeringe. Amst., I. Tirion/Yntema & Tieboel, 1760-67. 3 vols. (10), xxiv, 743; 552; (2), 566; (2), 18 pp. W. 3 identical engr. ti-vign. (coat of arms of Amsterdam), engr. allegorical ti. by R. Vinkeles after C. Ploos v. Amstel, 1 engr. portr. of the author by J. Houbraken and 79 (partly fold.) plates w. engr. maps/plans/views. Fol. Cont. hcf. extra, spine raised in compartments w. black labels. (Some yellowing throughout all vols. Vol 2: ca. 7 cm loose at the top of the spine, wear at extremities, waterstaining at the upper joint, quire A loose but holding, some plts. affected by waterstaining, however both text and plts. still clean & sound).
This copy on extra large paper. Plates by J. Goeree, P. Conradi, V. v.d. Plaats, S. Fokke a.m.o. Without the continuation, published in 1788. - Nijhoff/v. Hattum 311; Haitsma Mulier/v.d. Lem 507i.€ 650
result € 600