Auction 356 Old & Rare Books - Foreign Literature & Language

SYRIACA -- BIBLES -- NOVUM TESTAMENTUM SYRIACUM, cum vers. Lat.; cura & studio J. Leusden et C. Schaaf ed. 2a ed., a mendis purgata. Leiden, typ. J. Mulleri, 1717. (10), 749; (10), 644, (119) pp. 4°. Cont. panelled cf. (Top of spine gone, some other small dam. to bind., name entries on ti., margins a bit stained at the beginning).

A reissue of the thirteenth edition of the Syriac New Testament, for various reasons of special importance. In the first place it shows two types of vocalisation in the text: up to Lucas 18:27 the vocalisation of the chaldaizantes preferred by Leusden, from then on (after Leusden's death) Schaaf's preferred Syriac system following the Paris and London Polyglots. - Darlow & Moule 8969; Moss 158.

€ 120

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