Auction 356 Philosophy

COHEN, H.F. How modern science came into the world. Four Civilizations, One 17th-c. Breakthrough. (2010). Lge-8°. Obrds. -- J.H.J. v.d. POT. Die Bewertung des technischen Fortschritts. Eine systematische Übersicht der Theorien. 1985. 2 vols. Lge-8°. Ocl. w. dust-j. -- K.R. POPPER. The Logic of Scientific Discovery. (1959). Ocl. w. (stained) dust-j. -- (R.) DESCARTES. Œuvres et lettres. (1970). Or. cf. w. mylar cover. -- C.A. PICKOVER. Archimedes to Hawking. 2008. Ohcl. w. dust-j. -- And 4 o. (10).

€ 70

result € 140

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