Auction 356 Foreign Literature - English

WAUGH -- COLLECTION of 21 works by Evelyn Waugh (incl. same titles in different editions). Dif. sizes. Or. binds. (13) (10 w. dust-j). & 2 owrps.

I.a.: WAUGH, E. Helena. Lond., (Star editions). 1950. Owrps. w. dust-j. (Jacket a bit chipped). -- Id. Brideshead revisited. Lond., The Albatross, 1947. Owrps. -- Id. A little learning. The 1st vol. of an autobiography. 1964. Ocl. w. dust-j. -- Id. & D. COOPER. The letters. Ed. by A. Cooper. 1992. Ohcl. w. dust-j.

€ 80

result € 65

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