Auction 356 Non European Civilizations - America

CARIBBEAN -- AMELUNXEN, C.P. De geschiedenis van Curaçao. (1929). Owrps. -- K. MARTIN. Westindische Skizzen. Reise-Erinnerungen. 1887. W. 22 plates, partly tinted lithogr., and 1 map. Lge-8°. Owrps. -- GEDENKBOEK NEDERLAND-CURAÇAO 1634-1934. 1934. Fol. Ocl. Rare. W. a detailed chapter on the abolishment of slavery. -- B. de GAAY FORTMAN. Curaçao en onderhoorige eilanden 1816-1828. N.d. 10 parts in 1 vol. Owrps. -- (4).

€ 80

result € 260

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