Auction 355 Classical Antiquity - Authors

LOEB CLASSICAL LIBRARY -- LIVIUS. (Ed.) by B.O. Foster, J.C. Yardley (a.o.). Vol. 1-8, 11, 13, 14. (Repr. eds., after 2000, & 2018-21). 11 (of 14) vols. -- SCRIPTORES HISTORIAE AUGUSTAE. (Ed.) by D. Magie. (Repr. eds., after 2000). 3 vols. -- CORNELIUS NEPOS. (Ed.) J.C. Rolfe. (Repr. ed., after 2000). -- And 1 o., tog. 16 vols. Ocl. w. dust-j. - As new.

€ 120

result € 170

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