DEMOSTHENES. Orationes. Ed. Im. Bekker. 1854-55. 3 in 2 vols. Sm-8°. Cont. red hcf. -- PLOTINUS. Liber de pulcritudine. Heidelberg, 1814. Hcl. (Spine worn/foxed). -- ARISTOTELES. De arte poetcia liber. Rec. I. Vahlen. 1867. Cont. hcf. (Loose in bind.). -- ISOCRATES. Opera omnia. Rec. E. Drerup. Vol. 1 (=all publ.). 1906. Owrps., uncut. (Spine dam.). -- W. NESTLE, (Hrsg.). Die Vorsokratiker. - Die Sokratiker. - Die Nachsokratiker. - In Auswahl übers. 1922-23. 4 in 3 vols. Owrps., uncut. (Spines browned, wrps. partly dam.). -- Added: C.J. de VOGEL. Greek philosophy. A collection of texts. 1st-2nd ed. 1950-64. 3 vols. Ocl. -- And 5 o. (17).
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