Auction 355 Bibliography - Typography - Fine Printing - Private Presses

AUCTION CATALOGUES -- TYDEMAN, H.W., Catalogus der Bibliotheek nagelaten door./Bibliothecæ Tydemannianæ pars prima (-quinta). Waarvan de verkooping zal plaats hebben (…) onder directie v. M. Nijhoff en E.J. Brill, (…). Maandag 24 Oct. 1864 -(23 Oct. 1865). 's-Grav., Leiden, 1864-65. 5 parts in 1 vol. Cont. hcl. w. marbled paper brds. -- Added: another copy of part 5, but this copy interleaved w. the names of buyers and results added in pencil. -- And: BIBLIOTHECA HOFSTEDIANA, sive catalogus librorum (…) Petrus Hofstede. Rott., P. & J. Holsteyn, (a.o.), 1804. (6), 252 pp. Mod. brds. -- And 2 similar. (5).

Ad 1-2: Impressive auction catalogue of the library of Hendrik Willem Tydeman (1778-1863), Dutch legal scholar, but with a broad knowledge of various sciences. He was professor at the Universities of Franeker and Leiden. Ad 3: Auction catalogue comprising almost 4000 lots from the library of Petrus Hofstede (1716-1803), Dutch Reformed theologian and pastor.

€ 80

result € 130

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