Auction 355 Classical Antiquity - Neo-Latin & Humanism

ERASMUS -- BEJCZY, I. Erasmus and the Middle Ages. The Historical Consciousness of a Christian Humanist. 2001. - S. RYLE, F. AKKERMAN, (e.a., eds.). Northern Humanism in European Context, 1469-1625. 1999. - A. MAZZOCCO. Interpretations of Renaissance Humanism. 2006. - Leiden, (etc.), Brill. 3 vols. (Studies in Intellectual History 106, 94 & 143). Obrds., 1 w. dust-j. (Occas. underlinings and annot. in pen). -- S. RYLE. Erasmus and the Renaissance Republic of Letters. 2014. - J. FEROS, (e.a., eds.). The Classics in the Medieval and Renaissance Classroom. 2013. - Turnhout, Brepols. 2 vols. (Disputatio 24 & 20). Obrds. -- (5).

€ 150

result € 80

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