CARNET DE LA SABRETACHE. Vol. 1, 4 & 8. Paris, 1893-1900. 3 vols. of the series. Prof. illustr., partly in col. Lg-8°. Early 20th c. hcf. binds. -- Added: J.A. MEIER. Vivat Hollandia. Zur Geschichte der Schweizer in holländischen Diensten 1740-1795. Griffwaffen und Uniformen. (2008). 4°. Obrds. -- (St. PETERSBURG'S) MILITARY-HISTORICAL MUSEUM of artillery, engineer and signal corps: history and collections. St. Petersburg, 2004. 4°. Or. illustr. brds. -- K. BLEIBTREU. Englands große Waterloo-Lüge. 1915. Owrps. -- And 3 o. (9).
€ 120
result € 0
NAPOLEON -- THIERS, A. Atlas de l'histoire du Consulat et de l'Empire. Par., Lheureux, 1859. W. 66 engr. maps (7 double-p.), 2 cold. in outlines, by Dufour & Duvotenay. Fol. Cont. red h. mor. w. spine w. raised bands & gold dec. & lettering. (Some foxing, yellowing, waterstain in lower corner). -- Id. Histoire de la Révolution francaise. 13ème ed. Vols. 1-10. Par., Furne, 1857-61. 10 vols. W. 53 plates. - Id. Histoire du Consulat et de l'Empire. Vols. 1-20. Par., Paulin, 1845-69. 20 (of 21) vols. - 30 vols. All in matching red h. mor. w. richly dec. spines w. raised bands, & marbled edges. (Spines slightly discold., some vols. w. slight yellowing or foxing, some vols. shelfwear to extremities, vols. of 'Histoire du Consulat' lack prints, but altogether a lovely, decorative, well-bound, uniform set). -- (31).
€ 380
result € 300
NAPOLEONIC CAMPAIGNS -- VANDERMAELEN, (Ph.). Histoire de la Campagne de 1815: Waterloo, atlas spécial. 2me éd. 1858. W. 5 fold. maps. Sm-8°. Mod. cl. -- (J.-B.-A). CHARRAS. Histoire de la Campagne de 1815: Waterloo. 1858. Mod. cl. -- B.-R.-F. v. VLIJMEN. Vers la Bérésina (1812). 2me éd. 1908. W. 1 fold. map. -- L. LECONTE. Le Général A.-F. Mellinet et sa Brigade "La Victorieuse". (1946). 2 vols. Owrps. -- And 9 o., 8 of which relating to Waterloo, for the greater part in French. (14).
€ 140
result € 220
NAPOLEONIC CAMPAIGNS -- WATERLOO -- LÖBEN SELS, E. v. Précis de la Campagne de 1815, dans les Pays-Bas. Trad. du hollandais. La Haye, Héritiers Doorman, 1849. iv, 379, (5) pp. W. 3 fold. plans. Cont. brds.
€ 70
SCHARP, J. Gedenkzuil van den Ned. krijgsroem in Junij 1815. 's-Grav., J. Allart, 1816. xiv, (2), (58), 136, (20) pp. W. engr. ti., 1 engr. fold. map & 8 (partly fold.) engr. plates. Lge-8°. Cont. brds., uncut. -- Added: RECUEIL MILITAIR, bevattende de wetten, besluiten en orders, betreffende de Koninklijke Nederl. Landmagt. 's-Grav., (etc.), Gebr. Van Cleef, 1833-34. 2 vols. Cont. tree cf. binds. w. orange labels on spines. -- J.C. BOOGMAN. Nederland en de Duitse Bond, 1815-1851. 1955. 2 vols. Owrps. -- And 1 o. (6).
€ 100
result € 80