BERLAGE, H.P. Inleiding tot de kennis v.d. ontwikkeling der toegepaste kunst. 1923. 4°. Ocl. -- Id. Over stijl in bouw- en meubelkunst. (1908). Mod. cl., or. front cover laid down. -- Id. Een drietal lezingen in Amerika gehouden. 1912. Owrps. -- Id. Normalisatie in woningbouw. 1918. Owrps. -- M. BAX. Het web der schepping. Theosofie en kunst in Nederland. (2006). Lge-8°. Owrps. -- And 16 o. (mostly theoretical) works by B. (condition varies). -- Also added: 2 issues of 'Bouwkundig Weekblad Architectura' and 2 complete years of 'De Beweging', 1916 and 1919, all in loose issues as published. -- (23).
€ 150
result € 0
BERLAGE, H.P. Mijn Indische reis. 1931. 4°. Or. gilt cl. (Lower joint broken). Copy w. dedication in ms. by the author to his daughter Miep on her 25th birthday. -- J. GRATAMA. Dr. H.P. Berlage, bouwmeester. 1925. 4°. Ocl. W. dedication by Berlage in ms. "aan Miep ter herinnering aan 21 Feb. [19]26". -- K.P.C. de BAZEL, (a.o.). Dr. H.P. Berlage en zijn werk. 1916. 4°. Ocl. (Bind. a bit faded). Published in honour of B. on his 60th birthday. Book design S.H. de Roos. -- H.P. BERLAGE. Ontwerp v.h. Hofplein te Rotterdam. 1922. 8°-obl. Owrps. -- Id. Amerikaansche reisherinneringen. 1913. 4°. Ocl. (Bind. slightly faded and a bit dam.). -- (5).
result € 150
BERLAGE -- COLLECTION of 10 books from the library of H.P. Berlage, for the greater part w. his bookplate. Various subjects, i.a.: L. SIMONS. Vondels dramatiek. (1931). Unique (!) 'offprint' from Vondel's 'Werken' edition, especially bound in green mor. for his friend H.P. Berlage, incl. ms. dedication by the author and a letter, dated 19 March 1931. -- H. MACLAINE PONT. Javaansche architectuur. (1924). 4°. Off-print. Owrps. W. dedication to H.P. Berlage by the author. -- A. PIT. Aesthetische ontwikkeling. 1928. Owrps. (Part of spine missing). W. dedication by the author to H.P. Berlage. -- H.P. BREMMER. Een inleiding tot het zien v. beeldende kunst. 1906. Ocl. -- And 6 o. works which derive from Berlage's family. (16).
result € 120
(BROOS, C.H.A., e.a., eds.). H.P. Berlage, 1856-1934. Een bouwmeester en zijn tijd. 1975. Ocl. From the library Max van Rooy, biographer and grandson of H.P. Berlage. -- M. PROVOOST. Hugh Maaskant. Architect van de vooruitgang. 2003. 4º. Obrds. -- L. PLOEGAERTS & P. PUTTEMANS. L'œuvre architecturale de Henry v.d. Velde. (1987). 4°. Ocl. w. dust-j. -- M. BÖCK. Anfänge einer neuen Architektur. Berlages Beitrag zur architektonischen Kultur der Niederlande im ausg. 19. Jahrhundert. (1983). 4º. Ocl. -- And 3 o. (7).
EISLER, M. Österreichische Werkkultur. Hrsg. v. Österreichische Werkbund. Vienna, 1916. W. many b&w photo's. Or. limp brds. (Wear to extremities, spine delicate). With autograph dedication from the author to H.P. Berlage -- E. HAENEL & H. TSCHARMANN. Das Einzelwohnhaus der Neuzeit. Lpz., 1907-10. 2 vols. Ocl. -- Id. Die Wohnung der Neuzeit. Lpz., 1908. Ocl. -- Id. Das Mietwohnhaus der Neuzeit. Lpz., 1913. Ocl. -- And 2 o. (7).
€ 200
HORST, H. v.d. Kareol, ondergang van een monument. (1980). 8°-obl. Ocl. w. dust-j. -- N. PANZINI. Characteristics of modern religous construction. The ordinary and the timeless in the buildings of Hans van der Laan. (2020). 4°. Owrps. (Italian/Engl. text). -- H. de HAAN & G. KAREOLA. Le jeu des marges. Portrait of House Jan de Jong in Schaijk. (2021). 4°. Obrds. -- H. OLDEWARRIS. Lambertus Zwiers: Ontwerper & cultureel entrenpeneur. 2020. Lge-8°. Owrps. -- S. v. FAASSEN & H. v. BERGEIJK. De kleur lost de architectonische ruimte op. de briefwisseling tussen Theo van Doesburg en architect C.R. de Boer, 1920-1929. (2019). Lge-8°. Owrps. -- EIGENBOUWER. Tijdschrift voor de goede smaak. Nrs. 1-13 & 15. 2013-2022. 14 issues. Owrps. -- And 5 o. (24).
€ 120
result € 100
HUYSERS, H. XX plaaten behoorende tot de werkdaadige bouwkonst; of uitvoerige verhandeling der vijf orders. Dordr., H. de Haas & Comp., 1782. W. 20 engr. plates. Fol. Cont. limp brds. (Spine worn). -- G. KUIJPER. De schoone bouwkunst in hare wording en ontwikkeling. Amst., 1854. W. 60 steel-engr. plates. 4°-obl. Loose in obrds. portfol. (Portfol. partly dam., some foxing). -- (2).
€ 80
result € 220
LAAN, DOM. H. van der. Le nombre plastique. Quinze leçons sur l'ordonnance architectonique. 1960. Ocl. Rare. -- J.G. WATTJES. Moderne kerken in Europa en Amerika. (1931). 4°. Ocl. w. (dam.). dust-j. -- F. HAUSBRAND. Kleine landhuizen in Holland. (1938). Lge-8°. Ocl. (Binding worn at the extremities, foxed & stained, does not affect textblock). -- H. v.d. KLOOT MEIJBURG. Bouwkunst in de stad en op het land. 2e verm. dr. 1918. Ohcl. (Spine a bit faded, torn over c. 4 cm.). -- And 6 o. (10).
result € 80
LAAN, DOM H. van der -- REMERY, M.P. Mystery and matter. On the relationship between liturgy and architecture in the thought of Dom Hans van der Laan OSB (1904-1991) in the light of the historical-theological sources. Rome, 2008. 434 pp. 4°. Cl. in cloth box w. or. cold. illustration on vellum laid down on front side.
result € 130
MODERNE BOUWKUNST in Nederland. Ond. red. v. H.P. Berlage, W.M. Dudok, J. Gratama, (e.a.). Rott., 1932-35. 20 vols., incl. index. Prof. ill. Lge-8°. Or. clothbacked brds. (Most spines showing some wear, vols. 1, 13, 15, clumsily repaired w. tape, vol. 20 loose but holding).
€ 180
OUD, J.J.P. Holländische Architektur. 2. Aufl. München, (1929). 106 pp. W. many b&w photo's. Ocl. (Spine sunned & bit dam. at ends). (Bauhaus Bücher vol. 10).
result € 240
PREISGEKROENTEN ENTWUERFE zum Reichstagsgebaeude 1882(= Sammel-mappe hervorragender Concurrenz-Entwuerfe H. XVI). Berl., E. Wasmuth Vlg., 1889. W. ti., 4 text-pp. & 64 plates. Lge-fol. Owrps. In custom made cloth clamshell box. (Loose, back cover & spine gone, front side partly dam., margins frayed/dam./brittle, sl. browned).
€ 240
STRASSER, E.E. Die Siedlungsbauten der Gewerkschaft Sophia-Jacoba zu Hückelhovern - Kreis Erkelenz Reg.-Bezirk Aachen. Düsseldorf, Rhenania-Verlag, (1928). 70 pp. W. front. photo tipped in, many illustr. & b&w photo's. 4°. Or. dec. stiff wrps. (Minor wear to extremities, some yellowing to endpapers).
€ 400
WRIGHT, F.L. An autobiography. (1977). Ocl. w. dust-j. -- T. DOREMUS. Frank Lloyd Wright and Le Corbusier. The Great Dialogue. (1985). 8º-obl. Obrds. w. dust-j. -- B.B. PFEIFFER. Frank Lloyd Wright Drawings. Masterworks from the Frank Lloyd Wright Archives. (1990). 4º. Ocl. w. dust-j. -- H. Th. WIJDEVELD, (a.o.). The work of Frank Lloyd Wright. The Wendingen edition. 1965. Square-4º. Ohcl. w. (worn) dust-j. -- And 6 o. (10).
€ 100
result € 110
WRIGHT, FRANK LLOYD -- WENDINGEN. Jg. IV, 11: BERLAGE, H.P. Frank Lloyd Wright. Amst., 1921. 38 pp. Lge-4°. Or. limp lithogr. wrps. des. by El Lissitsky. (Spine dam., covers show damage to extremities & foxing, front cover w. a large stain to the right margin, or. raffia still intact, textblock yellowed but clean). -- Added: WENDINGEN, 8 vols. Jg. II, 5; III, 11/12; V, 3; V, 8/9; V, 10; VII, 2; IX, 3/4; X, 5/6. -- (9).
result € 600
WRIGHT, FRANK LLOYD -- WENDINGEN. Jg. VII, 3-9: WIJDEVELD, H.Th. The Life-Work of the American Architect Frank Lloyd Wright. Santpoort, C.A. Mees, 1925-26. In 7 parts. Lge-4°. Stab sewn owrps. w. raffia threads. (Wear to extremities, outer edges of sides w. few tiny splits in places, cover of vol. 2 severely rubbed on right edge and waterstaining throughout the issue, vol. 3 w. faint waterstaining on the edge, some vols. w. neat annot. in ink on cover, 1 vol. w. a neat ticket, all in all a good set). -- Added: Id. Jg. IV, 11: H.P. BERLAGE. Frank Lloyd Wright. Amst., 1921. Lge-4°. Owrps. w. a lithograph, des. by El Lissitsky. (Water damage to edges of the cover, waterstaining in the margin throughout the vol.). -- (8).
€ 800
result € 1000