ARISTOTELES. De anima. Ed. w. introd. & comm. by D. Ross. 1961. Ocl. w. dust-j. -- Id. De anima. W. transl., introd. & notes by R.D. Hicks. (Repr. ed. 1907. 1990). Ocl. -- M.C. NUSSBAUM & A.O. RORTY, eds. Essays on Aristotle's De Anima. 1992. Obrds. w. dust-j. -- THOMAS AQUINAS. A commentary on Aristotle's De anima. Transl. by R. Pasnau. (1999). Ocl. -- And 1 o. (5).
€ 75
result € 100
ARISTOTELES. De l'âme. Texte établ. p. A. Jannone. 2e éd. 1995. Ocl. - Id. De la génération et la corruption. Texte établ. p. M. Rashed. 2005. Owrps. - 2 vols. (Coll. Budé). -- Id. La métaphysique. Trad. & comm. p. J. Tricot. 1991-92. 2 vols. Owrps. -- L. COULOUBARITSIS. La Physique d'Aristote. 2e éd. (1997). Owrps. -- J. PATOCKA. Aristote, ses devanciers, ses successeurs. 2011. Owrps. -- And 13 o. by/on A. in French. (19).
€ 80
result € 65
ARISTOTELES. Metaphysics. A rev. text w. introd. & comm. by W.D. Ross. 1924. 2 vols. Ocl. Ex bibl. B.A. v. Groningen. -- J.J. CLEARY. Aristotle and mathematics. Aporetic method in cosmology and metaphysics. 1993. Ocl. w. dust-j. (PA). -- J. OWENS. The doctrine of being in the Aristotelian "Metaphysics". A study in the Greek background of mediaeval thought. (3rd ed., 1978). Owrps. (Spine browned, wrps. a bit affected by silverfish). -- J. KIRBY. Aristotle's Metaphysics. Form, matter and identity. (2008). Owrps. -- Th. SCALTSAS. Substances & universals in Aristotle's Metaphysics. (2010). Owrps. -- And 3 o. on the subject. (9).
€ 100
result € 120
ARISTOTELES. Physics, Book I & II; Book III & IV; Book VIII. Ed. by W. Charlton, E. Hussey & D. Graham. (1993-99). 3 vols. Owrps. (Clarendon Aristotle Series). -- H.S. LANG. The order of nature in Aristotle's Physics. Place and the Elements. (1998). Ocl. w. dust-j. -- F. SOLMSEN. Aristotle's system of the physical world. A comparison with his predecessors. (1960). Ocl. (Ex libr. copy). -- S. WATERLOW. Nature, change, and agency in Aristotle's 'Physics'. 1982. Obrds. -- R. WARDY. The chain of change. A study of Aristotle's Physics VII. (1990). Obrds. w. dust-j. (Jacket a bit skimmed by silverfish). -- And 2 o. by/on A. (9).
€ 70
ARISTOTELES. Physics. A rev. text w. introd. & comm. by W.D. Ross. 1936. Ocl. -- D. BOSTOCK. Space, time, matter, and form. Essays on Aristotle's Physics. (2006). Ocl. w. dust-j. -- THOMAS AQUINAS. Commentary on Aristotle's Physics. Transl. by R.J. Blackwell, (a.o.). (1999). Ocl. -- D. QUARANTOTTO. Aristotle's Physics Book I. A systematic exploration. (2018). Obrds. w. dust-j. -- And 4 o. by/on A. (8).
result € 110
ARISTOTELES. Prior & posterior analytics. A rev. text w. introd. & comm. by W.D. Ross. 1949. Ocl. -- Id. De sensu and de memoria. Text & transl. w. introd. & comm. by G.R.T. Ross. 1973. Ocl. -- Id. Chemical treatise Meteorologica, book IV. W. introd. & comm. by I. Düring. 1944. Lge-8°. Ocl. (Bind. dam./skimmed by silverfish, ex libr. copy). -- Id. On coming-to-be and passing-away. A rev. text w. introd. & comm. by H.H. Joachim. (Repr. ed. 1922. 1999). Obrds. w. dust-j. -- And 8 o. by/on A. (12).
ARISTOTELES. The complete works. The rev. Oxford translation. Ed. by J. Barnes. (1985). 2 vols. Ocl. w. dust-j. (Bollingen Ser., 71). -- H. CHERNISS. Aristotle's criticism of presocratic philosophy. 1971. Ocl. -- Id. Aristotle's criticism of Plato and the Academy. Vol. 1 (=all). 1944. Ocl. w. dust-j. (Jacket a bit skimmed by silverfish). -- G. FINE. On ideas. Aristotle's criticism of Plato's theory of forms. (1995). Owrps. -- And 3 o. on A. (8).
ARISTOTELES. Über den Himmel. Übers. & erl. v. A. Jori. (2009). -- Id. Physikvorlesung. Übers. v. H. Wagner. 5. Aufl. (1995). -- Id. Über die Seele. M. Einl., Übers. & Komm. hrsg. v. H. Seidl. (1995). -- I. DÜRING. Aristoteles: Darstellung und Interpretation seines Denken. 2. Aufl. (2005). -- 4 vols. Ocl. w. dust-j. -- And 12 o. by/on A. (16).
€ 65
result € 50
ARISTOTELES. Works. Transl. into English under the editorship of W. D. Ross. Oxford, (1952-71). 12 vols. Ocl. (Some vols. affected by silverfish).
€ 200
result € 180
ARISTOTELES -- GRANGER, H. Aristotle's idea of the soul. (1996). Obrds. -- T. CLARKE. Aristotle and the eleatic one. (2019). Obrds. w. dust-j. -- D.K.W. MODRAK. Aristotle: The power of perception. (1987). Ocl. w. dust-j. -- Id. Aristotle's theory of language and meaning. (2001). Ocl. w. dust-j. -- S. EVERSON. Aristotle on perception. 1997. Obrds. w. dust-j. -- And 7 o. on A. (12).
result € 140
ARISTOTELES -- HAAS, F. de & J. MANSFELD, eds. Aristotle: On generation and corruption, Book I. Symposium Aristotelicum. (2004). Obrds. w. dust-j. -- A.C. BOWEN & Chr. WILDBERG, eds. New perspectives on Aristotle's De caelo. 2009. Obrds. (PA). -- Th. KOUREMENOS. The proportions in Aristotle's Phys. 7.5. - Heavenly stuff. The constitution of the celestial objects and the theory of homocentric spheres in Aristotle's cosmology. - Aristotle's de Caelo G. Introd., Transl., & Comm. - (2002-13). 3 vols. Obrds. (Palingenesia 76, 96, 100). -- (5).
result € 80
ARISTOTELES -- HAPP, H. Hyle. Studien zum aristotelischen Materie-Begriff. 1971. Ocl.
ARISTOTELES -- KULLMANN, W. Aristoteles und die moderne Wissenschaft. 1998. Ocl. -- W. WIELAND. Die aristotelische Physik. 2. Aufl. 1970. Ocl. -- I. DÜRING, Hrsg. Naturphilosophie bei Aristoteles und Theophrast. (1969). Ocl. -- R. RHENIUS. Die Einheit der Substanzen bei Aristoteles. (2005). Obrds. -- H. WEISS. Kausalität und Zufall in der Philosophie des Aristoteles. 1967. Ocl. -- And 3 o. on A. (8).
result € 55
ARISTOTELES -- PHILOPONUS. On Aristotle on the intellect (de Anima 3.4-8). Transl. by W. Charlton. (1991). Ocl. w. dust-j. -- Id. On Aristotle Physics 2. Transl. by A.R. Lacey. (1993). Ocl. w. dust-j. -- Id. On Aristotle Physics 5-8. With: SIMPLICIUS. On Aristotle on the void. Transl. by P. Lettinck & J.O. Urmson. (1994). Ocl. w. dust-j. (Spine faded). -- H.J. BLUMENTHAL. Aristotle and Neoplatonism in late antiquity. Interpretations of the De Anima. (1996). Ocl. w. dust-j. -- And 2 o. (6).
ARISTOTELES -- SFENDONI-MENTZOU, D., ed. Aristotle and contemporary science. (2000-01). 2 vols. -- G. FREUDENTHAL. Aristotle's theory of material substance. Heat and pneuma, form and soul. (1995). Obrds. w. dust-j. -- A. PREUS. Science and philosophy in Aristotle's biological works. 1975. Ocl. w. dust-j. -- M. FEREJOHN. The origins of Aristotelian science. (1991). Ocl. w. dust-j. -- And 6 o. (11).
ARISTOTELES -- SHIELDS, Chr., ed. The Oxford handbook of Aristotle. (2012). Obrds. w. dust-j. -- G. ANAGNOSTOPOULOS, ed. A companion to Aristotle. (2013). Owrps. -- J. DUDLEY. Aristotle's concept of chance. Accidents, cause, necessity, and determinism. (2012). Obrds. -- M.V. WEDIN. Mind and imagination in Aristotle. (1988). Ocl. w. dust-j. -- And 10 o. on A. (14).
result € 150
ARISTOTELES -- WILSON, M. Structure and method in Aristotle's Meteorologia. A more disorderly nature. (2013). Obrds. w. dust-j. -- J. de GROOT. Aristotle's empiricism. Experience and mechanics in the 4th C. BC. (2014). Owrps. -- F.J.E. WOODBRIDGE. Aristotle's vision of nature. (1965). Ocl. -- M.R. JOHNSON. Aristotle on teleology. (2008). Owrps. -- T.K. JOHANSEN. Aristotle on the sense-organs. (1998). Obrds. w. dust-j. -- And 6 o. on A. (11).
result € 60
BARDENHEWER, O. Geschichte der altkirchlichen Literatur. 1.-2. Aufl. Freiburg im Bresgau, 1912-32. 5 vols. Hcl. (vol. 1-3) & h. mor. (Spines vol. 4-5 a bit chafed, owner stamps on v° ti-p.).
result € 0
BLASS, F. Die attische Beredsamkeit. 2. Aufl. Lpz., 1887-98. 3 in 4 vols. Or. h. brown mor. w. raised bands & gilt dec./lettering. (W. libr. stamps).
€ 120
result € 240
CHALMERS, A. The scientist's atom and the Philosopher's Stone. How science succeeded and philosophy failed to gain knowledge of atoms. (2009). Obrds. -- F. KRAFFT. Dynamische und statische Betrachtungsweise in der antiken Mechanik. 1970. Owrps. -- D.W. GRAHAM. Explaining the cosmos. The Ionian tradition of scientific philosophy. (2006). Ocl. w. dust-j. -- M. CLAGETT. Greek science in antiquity. (1994). Ohcl. w. dust-j. -- P. BRUNET & A. MIELI. Histoire des sciences: Antiquité. 1935. W. 109 text-figs. Hcl. (A bit browned). -- And 8 o. (13).
COLLECTION of 11 classical works in Dutch translation. (1980-2008). Or. binds. (8) w. dust-j. (Some spines faded, 1 jacket browned).
€ 60
DEMOCRITUS -- O'BRIEN, D. Theories of weight in the ancient world. Four essays on Democritus, Plato & Aristotle. A study in the development of ideas. Vol. 1-2: Democritus weight and size; Plato weight & sensation. Leiden, 1981-84. 2 vols. (PA, 37,41).
EISLER, R. Orpheus — The fisher. Comparative studies in orphic and early Christian cult symbolism. Lond., 1921. xviii, 302 pp. W. 76 plates. Ocl. (W. previous owner stamps). - Rare.
result € 160
EPICURUS. The extant remains. (Ed.) by C. Bailey. (Repr. ed. 1926). 1989. Ocl. -- D.E. HAHM. The origins of Stoic cosmology. (1977). Ocl. w. dust-j. -- D.J. FURLEY. Two studies in the Greek atomists. 1967. Ocl. -- A. GRÜNBAUM. Modern science and Zeno's paradoxes. (1968). Obrds. w. dust-j. -- S. SAMBURSKY. Physics of the Stoics. (1959). Ocl. w. dust-j. -- And 13 o. (18).
result € 130
EURIPIDES. Verzameld werk. Vert. door G. Koolschijn. 2001-03. 3 vols. Or. cloth w. dust-j. & or. belly band. -- Id. Hippolytus. Iphigenia in Taurië. Ion. Vert. door W. Courteaux & B. Claes (2002). Ocl. w. dust.-j. -- Id. Phoenicische vrouwen. Smekelingen. De waanzin van Heracles. (…). Vert. door W. Courteaux & B. Claes. (2005). Ocl. w. dust.-j. (As new, still in plastic). -- FLAVIUS JOSEPHUS. De oude geschiedenis van de Joden. Vert. d. F.J.A.M. Meijer en M.A. Wes. (2005). -- PHILO JUDAEUS. Pogrom in Alexandrië. Gezantschap naar Caligula. Vert. d. G.H. de Vries. -- And 9 o. transl. (16).
€ 130
GIBBON, E. The decline and fall of the Roman Empire. Lond., 1823. 8 vols. W. engr. front. portr. & 3 fold. maps. Cont. green hcf. w. marbled paper sides. (Spines slightly faded, name entry on ti.-pp., some minor foxing/occas. browning throughout, but a very good set).
result € 200
GOMPERZ, T. Griech. Denker. Eine Geschichte der antiken Philosophie. (Nachdr. 3.-4. Aufl. 1922-31. 1996). 3 vols. Obrds. w. dust-j. -- G. RECHENAUER, hrsg. Frühgriechisches Denken. (2005). Obrds. -- C.J. de VOGEL. Greek philosophy. A collection of texts. (1st-)4rd ed. 1959-69. 3 vols. Ocl. -- J. BRUNSCHWIG & G.E.R. LLOYD, eds. Greek thought. A guide to classical knowledge. 2000. Ocl. w. dust-j. -- And 15 o. (23).
result € 75
GUTHRIE, W.K.C. A history of Greek philosophy. (1977-83). 6 vols. Lge-8°. Ocl. w. dust-j. (Spines of dust-j. faded, 1 stained, dust-j. vol. 1 affected by silverfish). -- Added: A.H. ARMSTRONG, ed. The Cambridge history of later Greek & early medieval philosophy. (1980). Lge-8°. Ocl. w. dust-j. (Spine of dust-j. faded). -- (7).
€ 150
HERMES TRISMEGISTUS -- FESTUGIÈRE, (A.-J.). La révélation d'Hermès Trismégiste. Avec un appendice sur l'Hermétisme arabe. 1er-3me éd. Paris, 1949-54. 4 vols. Owrps., uncut. (Spine vol. 1 a bit torn, front side vol. 2 rep.).
LOEB CLASSICAL LIBRARY. Greek authors. 35 vols of the series. Ocl. (31) w. dust-j. (Some vols. shelfwear & skimming by silverfish, but generally good).
MERTENS, D. Der alte Heratempel in Paestum und die archaische Baukunst in Unteritalien. Mainz a/R., 1993. xviii, 193, (3) pp. W. 92 plates & 17 fold. plates inserted in rear pocket. Fol. Ocl.
MUSIC -- ARISTIDES QUINTILIANUS. Von der Musik. Eingel., übers. & erl. v. R. Schäfke. 1937. Ocl. -- E. WELLESZ. A history of Byzantine music and hymnography. 1949. Ocl. (Spine a bit faded). -- R.P. WINNINGTON-INGRAM. Mode in ancient Greek music. 1968. Ocl. -- É. MARTIN. Essai sur les rythmes de la chanson grecque antique. 1953. Owrps. -- And 4 o. on the subject. (8).
PARMENIDES. The fragments. A crit. text w. introd. & transl., the ancient Testimonia and a commentary by A.H. Coxon. (2009). Owrps. -- V. ADLURI. Parmenides, Plato and mortal philosophy. Return from transcendence. (2011). Obrds. -- C. ROBBIANO. Becoming being. On Parmenides' transformative philosophy. (2006). Obrds. -- S. TOR. Mortal and divine in early Greek epistemology. A study of Hesiod, Xenophanes and Parmenides. (2017). Obrds. w. dust-j. -- J. PALMER. Parmenides & presocratic philosophy. (2012). Owrps. -- And 3 o. by/on P. (8).
PLATO -- ASTIUS, F. Lexicon Platonicum sive vocum Platonicarum index. Lpz., In Libr. Weidmanniana, 1835-38. 3 in 2 vols. iv, 880; (2), 502; (2), 592, (2) pp. Cont. hcf. extra. (Skilfully rebacked w. use of old spine, some foxing).
PLATO -- TAYLOR, A.E. A comm. on Plato's Timaeus. (1962). Ocl. w. dust-j. (Spine a bit browned/stained). -- F.M. CORNFORD. Plato's Cosmology. The Timaeus transl. w. a running comment. (1966). Ocl. w. dust-j. -- Id. Plato & Parmenides. Parmenides' Way of truth & Plato's Parmenides transl. w. introd. & comment. (1980). Ocl. w. dust-j. (Spine a bit sunned). -- ANONYMOUS Prolegomena to Platonic philosophy. Introd., text, transl. & ind. by L.G. Westerink. 1962. Ocl. (Bind. a bit stained). -- J.B. SKEMP. The theory of motion in Plato's later dialogues. (Repr. ed. 1942). 1967. Ocl. -- And 10 o. (15).
POLYBIUS. Wereldgeschiedenis, 264-145 v. Chr. Vert. d. W. Kassies. 2007. 2 vols. Ocl. w. dust-j. (Spines sl. faded). -- LUCRETIUS. De natuur der dingen. Uitg., vert., (etc.) d. P. Schrijvers. 2008. Ocl. w. dust-j. -- TACITUS. Historiën. Vert. V. Hunink. 2010. Ocl. w. dust-j. -- XENOFON. Anabasis. De tocht van de tienduizend. Ingel. en vert. d. G. Koolschijn & N. Matsier. (2e herz. dr. 1988). Ocl w. dust-j. (Spine sl. faded). -- Added: 7 o. classical literary works in Dutch translation. -- (11).
result € 70
PRESOCRATICS -- DIELS, H. Die Fragmente der Vorsokratiker. Griech.-deutsch. Hrsg. v. W. Kranz. 1964. 3 vols. Ocl. -- I.G. KALOGERAKOS. Seele und Unsterblichkeit. Untersuchungen zur Vorsokratik bis Empedokles. 1996. Ocl. -- F.M. CLEVE. The giants of pre-sophistic Greek philosophy. An attempt to reconstruct their thoughts. 3rd ed. 1973. 2 vols. Ocl. -- B. SNELL. Die Ausdrücke für den Begriff des Wissens in der vorplatonischen Philosophie. 2. Aufl. (1992). Owrps. -- R.D. McKIRAHAN. Philosophy before Socrates. An introd. w. texts & comm. (1994). Owrps. -- And 8 o. on early philosophy. (16).
result € 360
SCHÖNBECK, J. Sunbowl or symbol. Models for the interpretation of Heraclitus' Sun notion. 1998. Ocl. w. dust-j. -- C. BAILEY. The Greek atomists and Epicurus. (1964). Ocl. -- HERACLITUS. The cosmic fragments. A crit. study w. introd., text and transl. by G.S. Kirk. (2010). Owrps. -- H. KURZOVÁ. Intrpretationen zu Heraklit. 2014. Obrds. -- A. GREGORY. Ancient Greek cosmogony. (2013). Owrps. -- And 5 o. (10).
STOICORUM VETERUM FRAGMENTA. Collegit J. ab Arnim. Vols. 1-3. Lpz., Teubner, 1903-05. 3 in 1 vol. xlviii, 142, (2), vi, 348; iv, 269, (3) pp. Hcf. extra, uncut.
result € 190
THEOPHRASTUS -- FORTENBAUGH, W.W., R.W. SHARPLES, (a.o.), ed. & transl. Sources for his life, writings, thought & influence. 2 vols. W. comm.-vol. 3.1, 4 & 5. W. contribut. on the Arab. material by D. Gutas. Leiden, 1992-99. 4 in 5 vols. Ocl. w. dust-j. (PA, 54, 64, 79, 81). -- THEOPHRASTUS. On first principles (known as his Metaphysics). Greek text and medieval Arabic transl. Ed. by D. Gutas. 2010. Obrds. (PA 119). -- J.M. v. OPHUIJSEN & M. v. RAALTE, eds. Theophrastus, reappraising the sources. (1998). Ocl. w. dust-j. -- G.M. STRATTON. Theophrastus and the Greek physiological psychology before Aristotle. (Repr. ed. 1917). 1964. Ocl. -- (8).
result € 220
WELCKER, F.G. Griechische Götterlehre. Göttingen, 1857-62. 3 vols. xvi, 822, (2); (4), 817; xxxii, 380, (2) pp. Cont. hcf. w. dec. gilt backs & brown labels. (W. libr. stamps). -- Id. Die Aeschylische Trilogie, Prometheus und die Kabirenweihe zu Lemnos. 1824. W. 1 fold. engr. - Bound with: Id. Nachtrag zu der Schrift über die Aeschylische Trilogie, nebst einer Abhandlung über das Satyrspiel. 1826. Rare. - 2 in 1 vol. Cont. hcf. w. dec. gilt back & black label. (W. libr. stamps, sl. foxed). -- (4).
WHITE, M.J. The continious and the discrete. Ancient physical theories from a contemporary perspective. (2002). Obrds. -- D. FURLEY. Cosmic problems. Essays on Greek and Roman philosophy of nature. (1989). Obrds. w. dust-j. -- R. SORABJI. Matter, space, & motion. Theories in antiquity and their sequel. (1988). Ocl. w. dust-j. -- Id. Time, creation & the continuum. Theories in antiquity and the early MA. (1983). Ocl. w. dust-j. -- Id. R.W. SHARPLES. Peripatetic philosophy 200 BC to AD 200. An introd. and collection of sources in translation. (2010). Owrps. -- Added: H. ZANDER. Geschichte der Seelenwanderung in Europa. Alternative religiöse Traditionen v.d. Antike bis heute. (1999). Ocl. w. dust-j. -- And 12 o. (18).
result € 320