ARABIC -- WRIGHT, W. A Grammar of the Arabic languages, transl. from the German of Caspari. 3rd ed. rev. by W. Robertson Smith & M.J. de Goeje. 1896-98. 2 vols. Ocl. -- V. CANTARINO. Syntax of modern Arabic prose. (1974-75). 3 vols. Ocl. (W. libr. stamps). -- H. RECKENDORF. Arabische Syntax. 1921. Hcl. -- And 10 o. on Arabic. (16).
€ 65
result € 260
BEGUINOT, F. Il Berbeo Nefûsi di Fassâto. 2a ed. 1942. Owrps. -- P.K. HITTI. Usamah's memoirs entitled Kitab al-i'tibar. 1930. Or. bind. -- K.C. RYDING. A reference grammar of modern standard Arabic. (2005). Owrps. -- K. VERSTEEGH. The Arabic language. 1997. Obrds. w. dust-j. -- And 16 o. (20).
€ 80
result € 100
BEY, A.I. Histoire des Bimaristans (Hopitaux) à l'époque islamique. Discours prononcé aud Congrès Médical tenu au Caire à l'occasion du centenaire de l'Ecole de médecine et de l'Hôpital Kasr-el-Aïni en Décembre 1928. Cairo, P. Barbey, 1928. (2), 116 pp. W. 5 plates. 4°. Cont. hcf. (Inner margin first lvs. a bit stained). - Rare.
€ 70
result € 55
BURGOYNE, M.H. Mamluk Jerusalem, an architectural study. (1987). Prof. ill. 4°. Or. bind. w. dust-j. In or. slipcase. -- G.J. WIGHTMAN. The Damascus Gate, Jerusalem. Excavations by C.-M. Bennett and J.B. Hennessy at the Damascus Gate, Jerusalem, 1964-66. 1989. Prof. ill. 4°. Owrps. -- W.-D. HÜTTEROTH & K. ABDULFATTAH. Historical geography of Palestine, Transjordan and Southern Syria in the late 16th c. 1977. W. 13 figs. & 5 maps. Owrps. -- And 7 o. (10).
€ 100
result € 220
CERAMICS -- ROSEN-AYALON, M. La poterie islamique. 1974. W. 69 plates. Fol. Ohcl. -- D. GRUNER. Die Berber-Keramik. Am Beispiel der Orte Afir, Merkalla, Taher, Tiberguent und Roknia. 1973. Owrps. -- G. MARÇAIS. Les poteries & faïences de la Qal'a des Benî Hammâd (XIe siècle). Contribution à l'étude de la céramique musulmane. 1913. 4°. Owrps. -- B. POREE. La production et la distribution céramique médiévale en Palestine et en Transjordanie: Une interprétation socio-économique et politique. 1996. 3 vols. Owrps. -- (6).
€ 75
result € 170
CRUSADES -- DESCHAMPS, P. La défense du Comté de Tripoli et de la principauté d'Antioche. Par., (1973). 1 text-vol. (xii, 424 pp.) & 1 portfol. w. 96 plates, 15 plans & 11 fold. maps. 4°. Ohcl. (Les Châteaux des Croisés en Terre Sainte III).
result € 150
CRUSADES -- MARSHALL, C. Warfare in the Latin East, 1192-1291. (1992). Obrds. w. dust-j. -- R. ROGERS. Latin siege warfare in the 12th c. (1997). Owrps. -- T.E. LAWRENCE. Crusader castles. (1986). 4°. Owrps. -- R.C. SMAIL. Crusading warfare (1097-1193). 1956. Ocl. -- Added: K.A.C. CRESWELL. Fortification in Islam before A.D. 1250. 1952. Owrps. -- And 4 o. (9).
€ 60
result € 110
CRUSADES -- RECUEIL DES HISTORIENS DES CROISADES (RHC). Lois (2 vols.), Historiens occidentaux (5 in 6 vols.), Historiens occidentaux (5 in 4 vols.), Historiens grecs (2 vols.), Documents arméniens (2 vols.). (Par., 1841-1906. Repr. ed. Farnborough, Gregg Press, 1967). 16 vols. 4°. Ocl. (Spines slightly faded, ex libr. set).
€ 1500
result € 0
CRUSADES -- SALAMÉ-SARKIS, H. Contribution à l'histoire de Tripoli et de sa région à l'époque des Croisades. Problèmes d'histoire, d'architecture et de céramique. 1980. W. fold. maps, plans & plates. 4°. Cl. -- N. ELISÉEFF. Nûr ad-Dîn, un grand prince musulman de Syrie au temps des Croisades (511-569H./1118-1174). 1967. 3 vols. Cl. -- H. HELLENKEMPER. Burgen der Kreuzritterzeit in der Grafschaft Edessa und im Königreich Kleinarmenien. 1976. Owrps. -- (5).
result € 90
CURZON, R. Visits to monasteries in the Levant. 2nd ed. Lond., J. Murray, 1849. lv, 420 pp. W. engr. ti-vign., front. & 16 plates (incl. 1 fold.). Or. gilt dec. cl. (Rebacked, ex libr. copy, lower hinge broken (w. remnants of tape)). -- Added: J. LEROY. Monks and monasteries of teh Near East. (1963). Obrds. (Ex libr. copy). -- (2).
EISENSTEIN, H. Einführung in dir Arabische Zoographie. Das tierkundliche Wissen in der arabisch-islamischen Literatur. (1991). Owrps. Rare. -- Added: J. GIERLICHS. Mittelalterliche Tierreliefs in Anatolien und Nordmesopotamien. (1996). 4°. Ocl. w. dust-j. -- (2).
result € 50
ETTINGHAUSEN, R. From Byzantium to Sasanian Iran and the Islamic world. Three modes of artistic influence. 1972. 4°. Ocl. (W. stamps). -- E. BAER. Sphinxes and harpies in medieval islamic art. An iconographical study. 1965. Ocl. -- S.S. BLAIR & J.M. BLOOM. The art and architecture of Islam, 1250-1800. (1995). Prof. ill. 4°. Ocl. w. dust-j. -- O. REUTHER. Ocheïdir. Nach Aufnahmen von Mitgliedern der Babylon-Expedition der deutschen Orient-Gesellschaft. (Neudr. 1984). 1912. Fol. Ocl. -- A. NORTHEDGE, (a.o.). Excavations at 'Âna. Qal'a island. (1988). 4°. Owrps. -- And 4 o. (9).
result € 140
FINKELSTEIN, I. & Z. LEDERMAN, eds. Highlands of many cultures. The Southern Samaria survey. The sites. Tel Aviv, 1997. 2 vols. xvi, 484; xvi, 485-959 pp. W. num. ills. 4°. Ocl.
result € 80
FINSTER, B. Frühe iranische Moscheen. Vom Beginn des Islam b.z. Zeit Salgûqischer Herrschaft. 1994. Lge-8°. Ocl. -- A. MARICQ & G. WIET. Le minaret de Djam. La découverte de la capitale des sultans ghorides (XIIe-XIIIe s.). 1959. 4°. Xl. (W. remnant of ticket). -- J. WARREN & I. FETHI. Traditional houses in Baghdad. (1982). 4°. Ocl. w. dust-j. -- T.J. AL-JANAB. Studies in mediaeval Iraqi architecture. 1982. 4°. Owrps. -- (4).
(GARCIN, J., e.a.). L'jhabitat traditionnel dans les pays musulmans autour de la Méditerranée. Rencontre d'Aix-en-Provence (6-8 juin 1984). Cairo, 1988. 3 vols. Prof. ill. 4°. Owrps.
GAUBE, H. & E. WIRTH. Aleppo. Historische und geographische Beitr. zur baulichen Gestaltung, zur sozialen Organisation und zur wirtschaftl. Dynamik einer vorderasiat. Fernhandelsmetropole. 1984. 1 text-vol. & 1 portfol. w. 5 fold. maps. Sm-4°. Owrps. -- H. LAOUST. Les gouverneurs de Damas sous les Mamlouks et les premiers Ottomans (658-1156/1260-1744). 1952. Owrps. -- T. BIANQUIS. Damas et la Syrie sous la domination Fatimide (359-468/969-1076). 1986. 2 vols. Owrps. -- R. LE TOURNEAU. Damas de 1075 à 1154. 1952. Owrps. -- And 1 o. (7).
GEOGRAPHICAL HANDBOOK SERIES. Syria. April 1943. - Palestine and Transjordan. December 1943. - Western Arabia and the Red Sea. June 1946. - Naval Intelligence Division, (1943-46). 3 vols. W. num. maps/plates. Ocl. (Binds. a bit browned/discold., w. libr. stamps).
result € 360
GHOUCHANI, A. Inscriptions on Nishabur pottery. Introd. by M.Y. Khani. (1986). W. num. (cold.) plates. 4°. Ocl. -- M. TAMPOE. Maritime trade between China and the West. An archaeological study of the ceramics from Siraf (Persian Gulf), 8th to 15th centuries A.D. 1989. W. ill. 4°. Owrps. -- (2).
GOEJE, M.J. de. Mémoires d'histoire et de géographie orientales. (2nd ed.). Leiden, E.J. Brill, 1886. (8), 232 pp. Or. blue printed wrps., unopened. (Spine sl. browned, else a very good copy). (Mémoires d'Histoire et de Géographie Orientales N° 1).
€ 500
result € 450
GRABAR, O. City in the desert: Qasr al-Hayr East. Cambr. MA, (1978). 1 text-vol. & 1 plate-vol. 4°. Owrps. -- D. SCHLUMBERGER. Qasr el-Heir el Gharbi. 1986. W. num. plates. Fol. Owrps. -- (3).
result € 120
GROHMANN, A. Arabische Paläographie. 1967-71. 2 vols. W. 287 ill., 89 plates & 2 fold. tables. 4°. Owrps. (Tape on bottom of spines). -- R. DOZY. Supplément aux dictionnaires arabes. 1968. 2 vols. 4°. Ocl. -- M.S. AL-QASIMY. Dictionnaire des metiers damascains. 1960. 2 vols. Owrps. (Spines browned). -- A. de BIBERSTEIN KAZIMIRSKI. Dictionnaire Arabe-Français. (Repr. ed. 1860. ±1970). 2 vols. Ocl. w. (dam.) dust-j. -- (8).
€ 120
GUO, L. Early Mamluk Syrian historiography. Al-Yûnînî's Dhayl Mir'ât al-zamân. 1998. 2 vols. Ocl. w. dust-j. (Spines faded). -- (M.) GAUDEFROY-DEMOMBYNES. La Syrie à l'époque des Mamelouks d'après les auteurs arabes. (Repr. ed. 1923. 1993). Ocl. (Islamic Geogr. 75). -- (3).
HAMA. Fouilles et recherches de la Fondation Carlsberg 1931-138. IV-1: P. Pentz: The medieval citadel and its architecture. 1997. 1 text-vol. & 1 portfol. w. 8 fold. plates. VI-2: P.J. Riis & V. Poulsen: Les verreries et poteries médiévales. 1957. W. ill. & 5 cold. plates. IV-3: G. Ploug, (a.o.): Les petits objets médiévaux sauf les verreries et poteries. 1969. W. ill. - 3 in 4 vols. 4°. Owrps. (3) & cl. -- C. TONGHINI. Qal'at ja'bar pottery. A study of a Syrian fortified site of the late 11th-14th centuries. (1998). 4°. Obrds. w. dust-j. -- (5).
IRAN -- GHIRSHMAN, R., V. MINORSKY, R. SANGHVI. Le royaume immortel de Perse. (London, 1971). (4), 224 pp. Prof. illustr. Fol. Ocl. w. dust-j. In or. slipcase.
€ 50
JUDAICA - HEBRAICA -- SAFRAI, S. & M. STERN, ed. The Jewish people in the first century. 1974-76. 2 vols. - M.E. STONE, ed. Jewish writings of the Second Temple Period. 1984. - S. SAFRAI, ed. The literature of the Sages. 1st part. 1987. - M.J. MULDER, ed. Mikra. Text, transl., reading and interpretation of the Hebrew Bible in ancient Judaism and early Christianity. 1988. - 5 vols. Ocl. w. dust-j. (Compendia Rerum Iudaicarum ad NT). -- M. HENGEL. Judentum und Hellenismus. 1969. Owrps. -- (6).
result € 65
KAWATOKO, M. A port city site on the Sinai Peninsula al-Tûr. The 11th(-13th) expedition in 1994(-96). 1995-98. 3 vols. -- Id. Archaeological survey of the Râya/al-Tûr Area on the Sina Peninsula, Egypt 2002 (& 2007). 2003-08. 2 vols. -- F. KING & C. TONGHINI. A survey of the Islamic sites near Aden and in the Abyan district of Yemen. 1996. -- D.S. WHITCOMB & J.H. JOHNSON. Quseir al-Qadim 1978 (&) 1980. (1979-82). 2 vols. -- And 4 o., tog. 12 vols. 4°. Owrps.
MALDONADO, B.P. Tratado de arquitectura Hispanomusulmana. I: Agua. 1990. Prof. ill. 4°. Ocl. -- C. ESCO, (a.o.). Arqueologia islamica en la marca superior de Al-Andalus. (1988). Fol. Owrps. (Spine discold.). -- J. BLOOM. Minaret, symbol of Islam. (1989). Obrds. -- M.M. AMIN & L.A. IBRAHIM. Architectural terms in mamluk documents (648-923H) (1250-1517). (1990). Obrds. -- B.S. HAKIM. Arabic-Islamic cities. Building and planning principles. (1986). Obrds. w. dust-j. -- And 3 o. (8).
MEINECKE, M. Die mamlukische Architektur in Ägypten und Syrien (648/1250 bis 923/1517). Glückstadt, 1992. 2 vols. xiv, 243; x, 576 pp. W. 142 plates. 4°. Ocl.
€ 140
result € 320
MUSIL, A. The Northern Hegaz. 2 fold. maps in pocket. - Arabia deserta. - The Middle Euphrates. 2 fold. maps in pocket. - Northern Negd. 2 fold. maps in pocket. - The manners and customs of the Rwala Bedouins. N.Y., 1926-29. 5 vols. Ocl. (Libr. tickets removed from spines, binds. a bit soiled). (Amer. Geogr. Soc., Oriental Explor. & Studies, vols. 1-3, 5, 6).
result € 700
PATERSON, A. Assyrian sculptures. Palace of Sinacherib. The Hague, M. Nijhoff, (1915). 14 leaves of text, fold. ground-plan & 114 plates. Fol. In ocl. portfol. w. ties. (Spine of portfol. a bit dam./loosening, name entry on ti., some minor foxing).
€ 150
PEAKE, F.G. History and tribes of Jordan. 1958. W. text-figs. & maps. 4°. Owrps. (Spine a bit browned, remnants of ticket). -- C.R. CONDER. Tent work in Palestine. New ed. Lond., 1879. 2 vols. W. ill. by J.W. Whymper. Ocl. (Spines slightly worn). -- G. LE STRANGE. Palestine under the Moslems. (Repr. ed. 1890. 1975). Ocl. -- (4).
result € 130
POPPER, W. The Cairo Nilometer. Studies in Ibn Taghrî Birdî's Chronicles of Egypt: I. 1951. Cl. (Vol. 1 only). -- IBN TAGHRI BIRDI. (History of Egyp, I-VII, 1382-1461) & notes and indices. (1954-63). Bound in 4 vols. Cl. (Without title pages, sold as it is). -- A. HUTAIT, hrsg. Die Geschichte des Sultans Baibars von 'Izz ad-dîn Muhammas b. 'Alî b. Ibrâhîm b. Saddâd (st. 684/1285). 1983. Owrps. -- G. FLUEGEL. Corani textus Arabicus. Ed. 3a. (&) Concordantiae Corani Arabicae. (Repr. 1842-83). 1965. 2 vols. 4°. Ocl. (Ex libr. copies). -- THE EASTERN KEY. Kitâb al-Ifâdah wa'l-i'tibâr of 'Abd al-Latîf al-Baghdâdi. (1965). 4°. Ocl. -- And 1 o. (10).
RAYMOND, A. & G. WIET. Les marchés du Caire. Trad. annot. du texte de Maqrîzî. (1979). - J.-C. GARCIN. Un centre musulman de la Haute-Égypte médiévale: Qûs. (1976). - 2 vols. 4°. Cont. h. red mor. -- U. VERMEULEN & D. de SMET, eds. Egypt and Syria in the Fatimid, Ayyubid and Mamluk eras. 1995. Ocl. w. dust-j. -- N.H. HENEIN. Mârî Girgis. Village de Haute-Égypte. (1988). 4°. Owrps. -- And 4 o. (8).
result € 70
REVAULT, J. Palais et demeures de Tunis (XVIe et XVIIe siècles) (&) (XVIIIe et XIXe siècles). 1980-83. 2 vols. - Id., L. GOLVIN & A. AMAHAN. Palais et demeures de Fès. I: Époques Mérinide et Saadienne (XIVe-XVII siècles). 1985. - 3 vols. Prof. ill. 4°. Obrds. (Binds. a bit yellowed).
result € 500
REVAULT, J. & B. MAURY. Palais et maisons du Caire du XIVe au XVIIIe siècle. Cairo, 1975-83. 4 vols. W. 66, 66, 110 & 58 plates. Fol. Cont. hcf. (3 vols.) & owrps. -- Added: A. LÉZINE. Trois palais d'époque ottomane au Caire. Cairo, 1972. W. 54 plates. Fol. Owrps. -- (5).
ROBERTS, D. & G. CROLY. The Holy Land, Syria, Idumea, Arabia, Egypt and Nubia. Lond., Day & Son, 1855-56. 6 vols. W. 250 tinted (some cold.) lithogr. plates by L. Haghe after Roberts, incl. 2 plain maps, all under tissue guards. 4°. Or., elaborately gilt blue cl., a.e.g. (Binds. slightly worn on extremities (espec. on spine ends), a bit loose in places, browned/foxed throughout (as always)).
€ 800
result € 3400
ROSENTHAL, F. Humor in early Islam. 1956. Ocl. w. dust-j. (Spine browned). -- B. LEWIS & P.M. HOLT. Historians of the Middle East. 1962. Ocl. -- D. WARRINER. Land reform and development in the Middle East. A study of Egypt, Syria, and Iraq. 2nd ed. 1962. Ocl. w. dust-j. -- G.L. BELL. Syria, the desert & the sown. (1928). Prof. ill. Ocl. (W. stamp, spine faded/browned). -- And 5 o. (9).
SACHER MASOCH, L. v. Contes Juifs récits de famille. Paris, Maison Quantin, 1888. iv, 282, (2) pp. W. 27 full-p. photo-engr. plates under tissue guards and 100 in text illustr. by Gérardin, Alphonse Lévy, Emile Lévy, Henri Lévy, Edward Loevy, Schlesinger, Vogel and Worms. 4°. Ocl. (Some very mild foxing, but a good copy).
SAYYID, A.F. La capitale de l'Égypte jusqu'à l'époque fatimide al-qâhira et al-Fustât. Essai de reconstitution topographique. 1998. Owrps. -- L. GOLVIN, (e.a.). Les potiers actuels de Fustât. 1982. 4°. Owrps. -- N.H. HENEIN & J.-F. GOUT. Le verre soufflé en Égypte. (1974). 4°. Owrps. -- G.T. SCANLON (& W. KUBIAK). Fustât expedition final report. (1986-89). 2 vols. 4°. Ocl. & owrps. -- And 3 o. (8).
result € 75
SEZGIN, F. Mathematische Geographie und Kartographie im Islam und ihr Fortleben im Abendland. Frankf. am M., 2000. 2 text-vols. & 1 plate-vol. 8° & 4°. Ocl. (Remnants of libr. tickets on spines). (Geschichte des Arabischen Schrifttums XI-XII).
result € 190
SNOUCK HURGRONJE, C. Bilderatlas zu Mekka. The Hague, Nijhoff, 1888. W. 65 mounted collotypes on 30 lvs., 10 lithogr. (4 cold. & 6 tinted, of which 1 double-p.). Fol. Or. clothbacked portfol. (Portfol. dam./loose, ties fail, without content leaf, but w. all plates (plate I twice!), a bit browned/foxed in places). -- Added: Id. Ethnographisches aus Mekka. (Separat-Abdr. aus "Int. Archiv für Ethnographie"). 1888. pp. 146-154. W. 4 cold. lithogr. plates. Fol. Old (worn/dam.) clothbacked brds. -- (2).
€ 3000
result € 6500
SNOUCK HURGRONJE, C. Mekka in the latter part of the 19th c. 1970. W. plates & maps. -- Id. Selected works. Ed. in Engl. & French by G.H. Bousquet & J. Schacht. 1957. Ocl. -- M. Frhr. v. OPPENHEIM. Die Beduinen. Bd. II: Die Beduinenstämme in Palästina, Transjordanien, Sinai, Hedjâz. 1983. Or. bind. -- W.M. WATT. Muhammad at Medina. - Id. Muhammad at Mecca. - (1972). 2 vols. Ocl. w. dust-j. (Spines browned). -- (5).
SPULER, B., (u.a.). Geschichte Mittelasiens. 1966. - Id. Geschichte der Islamische Länder. 1: Die Chalifenzeit. 2: Die Mongolenzeit. (&) 5: Regierung und verwaltung des Vorderen Orients in Islamischer Zeit. (2 vols.). 1952-79. 4 vols. - Tog. 5 vols. Owrps. (HdO). -- J.H. KRAMERS. Analecta Orientalia. Posthumous writings and selected minor works. 1954-56. 2 vols. Ocl. w. (dam.) dust-j. -- K. BARTLE. Frühislamische Besiedlung im Balîh-Tal/Nordsyrien. 1994. Owrps. -- Id. & S.R. HAUSER eds. Continuity and change in Northern Mesopotamia from the Hellenistic to the early Islamic period. 1996. Owrps. -- And 2 o. (11).
TURKEY -- MÜLLER-WIENER, W. Bildlexikon zur Topographie Istanbuls. Tübingen, (1977). W. 631 ill. 4°. Ocl. w. dust-j. (A few small tears in dust-j.). -- O. AURENCHE, M. BAZIN & S. SADLER. Villages engloutis. Enquête ethnoarchéologique à Cafer Höyük (vallée de l'Euphrate). 1997. 4°. Owrps. -- PIRI REIS Kitabi Bahriye. 1935. 4°. Ocl. w. flap. (Bind. partly worn). -- And 2 o. (5).
TURKISH -- CLAUSON, G. An etymological dictionary of pre-thirteenth century Turkish. Oxford, 1972. xlviii, 989 pp. Ocl. w. dust-j.
€ 300
result € 240
TURKISH -- DENY, J., (a.o.), ed. Philologiae Turcicae fundamenta. Vol. 1. Wiesbaden, 1959. 1 (of 3) vol. xxiii, 810, (3) pp. W. lge-fold. cold. map in rear-pocket. Ocl. -- J.W. REDHOUSE, ed. A Turkish and English lexicon. Constantinople, 1890. Sm-4°. Cont. h. mor. extra. -- E. ROSSI. Manuale di lingua turca. 1963. 2 vols. Owrps. -- G.L. LEWIS. Turkish grammar. 1967. Ocl. (plasticized) w. dust-j. -- (5).
result € 200
VELDE, C.W.M. v.d. Reis door Syrie en Palestina in 1851 en 1852. Utr., 1854. 2 in 1 vol. viii, 334; xvi, 429 pp. W. fold. lithogr. map & plan (w. tears), fold. plate & 2 cold. lithogr. views Cont. h. mor. (Spine a bit dam./loosening, front side loose). -- M. NIEBUHR. Travels through Arabia, and other countries in the East. (Repr. ed. 1792. 1968). 2 vols. Ocl. w. dust-j. -- Added: J. BURCKHARDT. Travels in Syria and the Holy Land. Lond., 1822. W. front.-portr. & 5 maps/plans (1 fold.). 4°. Cont. cf. (Without large fold. general map, joints broken/split, some faint stains, a bit foxed). -- (4).
WRIGHT, G.R.H. Ancient building in South Syria and Palestine. Leiden, 1985. 1 vol. of text and 1 vol. of plates. xxiv, 539; xvi, ill. 1-367. Sm-4°. Ocl.
result € 60