KÜHNER, R. (&) B. GERTH. Ausführliche Grammatik der griechischen Sprache. 1890-92 & 1966. 2 in 4 vols. Hcl. & ocl. (Vol. 2 in reprint, ti-p. of vol. 1/2 loose). -- W.M. CALDER III. Index locorum zu Kühner-Gerth. 1965. Ocl. -- C.H. KAHN. The verb 'be' in ancient Greek. (1973). Owrps. -- M. LEJEUNE. Traité de phonétique grecque. 2e éd. 1955. Owrps. -- J.D. DENNISTON. The Greek particles. 2nd ed. 1959. Ocl. w. dust-j. -- And 7 o. (15).
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REFERENCE WORKS -- REALLEXIKON für ANTIKE & CHRISTENTUM. Hrsg. v. Th. Klauser, E. Dassmann, (u.a.). Bd. 1-31 (bis Lfg 245-246 = Syria II). Suppl. Bd. 1-2 (bis Lfg. 11 = Constantius). Register der Bde. 1-15 von E. Dassmann (Hrsg). Stuttg., Hiersemann, 1950-2022. Tog. 34 vols. of which 8 in parts. Lge-8°. Or. hcf. (30), ocl. (1), owrps. (6 fasc.). (Small scratches on spines of 1st 3 vols, else a fine set bound in/supplied with the or. binds.).
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STEFANI, E.A. de. Etymologicum Gudianum quod vocatur. (Repr. ed. 1909. 1965). 2 vols. Ocl. -- R. KÜHNER. Ausführl. Grammatik der lat. Sprache. (Neubearb. v. F. Holzweissig & C. Stegmann). (&) Index locorum zu Kühner-Stegman 'Satzlehre'. (Nachdr. 1912-14). 1955-1980. 2 in 4 vols. Ocl. -- A. PICKARD-CAMBRIDGE. Dithyramb, tragedy & comedy. 2nd ed. rev. by T.B.L. Webster. (1966). Ocl. w. dust-j. -- And 11 o. (18).
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