ANDREOSSY, (A.-F.). Histoire du Canal du Midi, ou Canal de Languedoc. Nouv. éd. Par., 1804. 2 vols. W. 29 fold. engr. plates & 1 fold. table. Fine cont. h. green gilt dec. mor. (Portr. lacks, some marg. stains). Graesse I, 122. -- DAS SCHIFFSHEBEWERK bei Henrichenburg am Dortmund-Ems-Kanal. Haniel & Lueg, Düsseldorf-Grafenberg. Aug. 1899. W. 29 plates. 4°-obl. Or. limp cl. (Ex libr. copy, stained at the end). -- And 2 o. (4).
€ 150
result € 140
BIDLOO, G. Anatomia humani corporis. (Facs. ed. 1685. 1972). Fol. Or. bind. (Spine ends dam.). -- A. VESALIUS. De humani corporis fabrica. Helikon, 1968. Fol. Or. binds. w. dust-j. In or. slipcase. -- A. LINDEBOOM. Andreas Vesalius. Een schets van zijn leven en werken. 1964. Lge-8°. Ocl. -- And 2 o. (5).
€ 100
result € 110
CAZIUS, U.W.T. Geschiedkundig verslag, daadzakelijke bevindingen en algemeene aanmerkingen, benevens eene verzameling van bewijsstukken betrekkelijk het Amsterdamsch geoctroieerd kunst-cement. Utr., 1824. Cont. marbled brds. (W. stamp). -- L.A. SANDERS. Het cement-ijzer in theorie en practijk. Amst., (1907). W. 415 ill. Cont. h. mor. extra. -- And 2 o. (4).
€ 80
result € 0
CHARCOT, J.M. Leçons du Mardi à la Salpêtrière. Policlinique 1887-1888 (Bd. 2: 1888-1889). Par., 1887-89. 2 vols. W. text-ill. Lge-8°. Cont. h. mor. (Upper right blank part of ti-pp. cut off, some underl., a bit browned). -- Added: H. HUCHARD. Traité clinique des maladies du coeur et de l'aorte. 3e éd. Par., 1899. 3 vols. W. text-ill. Lge-8°. Beautiful full vellum (most likely by a Dutch binder) w. gilt lettering, small gilt vignet on front sides & t.e.g. De luxe set w. printed dedication in Dutch to Dr. C.A.J. Krol. -- And 1 o. (6).
€ 200
result € 160
COTT, H.B. Adaptive Coloration in Animals. (1940). Lge-8°. Ocl. -- H.M. FOX & G. VEVERS. The Natural of Animal Colours. (1960). Ocl. w. dust-j. -- R.W.G. HINGSTON. The meaning of Animal Colour and Adornment. (1933). Ocl. -- W.P. PYCRAFT. Camouflage in Nature. 2nd rev. ed. (1925). Ocl. -- F.E. BEDDARD. Animal Coloration. An Account of the Principal Facts and Theories relating to the Colours and Markings of Animals. 1892. Ocl. -- And 4 o. on colour. (9).
€ 70
result € 55
EINSTEIN, A. Aether und Relativitaetstheorie. Rede uitgesproken bij de aanvaarding v.h. ambt van bijz. hoogleeraar aan de Rijks-Univ. te Leiden. Berl., Springer, 1920. 16 pp. Owrps. -- Added: Id. Lettres a Maurice Solovine. 1956. 4°. Owrps. With inserted airmail envelope in typescript from Albert Einstein (112 Mercer Street) to A.M. Frey. -- (2).
result € 170
GRATTAN-GUINNESS, I., ed. Landmark writings in Western mathematics 1640-1940. 2005. Obrds. -- H. WEBER. Die partiellen Differential-Gleichungen der mathematischen Physik. Nach Riemann's Vorlesungen bearb. 6. Aufl. 1919. 2 vols. Ohcl. (1 spine faded). -- H.F. COHEN. How modern science came into the world. Four civilizations, one 17-th c. breakthrough. (2010). Obrds. -- And 1 o. (5).
result € 120
GRESSITT, J.L. Biogeography and Ecology of New Guinea. The Hague, (etc.), 1982. 2 vols. vii, 534; -535-983 pp. Illustr. Ocl. (Monographiæ Biologicæ 42).
result € 90
HAVINGA, E., (e.a.). Planetarium-boek Eise Eisinga. Arnh., 1928. W. ill. 4°. Ocl. -- F.R. STEPHENSON. Historical eclipses and earth's rotation. (1997). Obrds. -- GALILEO GALILEI. Dialogue concerning the two chief world systems. Transl. by S. Drake. Foreword by A. Einstein. 1953. Ocl. w. dust-j. -- R.S. WESTMAN, ed. The Copernican achievement. 1975. Ocl. -- And 1 o. (5).
HEISENBERG, W. Die Physik der Atomkerne. Braunschweig, F. Vieweg & Sohn, 1943. vi, 180 pp. W. ill. Or. printed brds. (Top of spine slightly dam.).
result € 180
HOOLA VAN NOOTEN, B. Fleurs, fruits et feuillages choisies de la flore et de la pomone de l'ile de Java peints d'après nature. 3e éd. Bruxelles, C. Muquardt, 1863. W. halftitle, title & 3 preliminary lvs., and 40 explan. lvs. in English and French (1 before each plate). W. 40 cold. chromolithogr. (545 x 395 mm) by P. de Pannemaeker and printed by G. Severeyns. Lge-fol. Cont. h. mor. (Extremities slightly dam./chafed, sides a bit stained, lower margin a bit stained/brittle at beginning and end, a bit foxed/browned in places, but a good and complete copy).
€ 3200
result € 2800
HORNADAY, W.T. The extermination of the American Bison. Washington, 1889. (= pp. 367-548 & index). W. 21 numb. plates & 1 lge-fold. map, cold. in outlines. Or. printed wrps. (Wrps. a bit dam., upper outer corner ti-p. cut off).
result € 65
HUYGENS, Chr. Oeuvres complètes. Vol. VII, IX, X and XII. The Hague, M. Nijhoff, 1897-1910. 4 vols. of the series. Lge-4°. Bound in fine mod. black cl. w. red labels on spines, uncut.
result € 100
KAMERLINGH ONNES, H. Nieuwe bewijzen voor de aswenteling der aarde. Gron., 1879. (12), 290 pp. W. 4 fold. plates. Old clothbacked brds., or. front side laid down. - Thesis. Scarce.
LOGHEM, J.B. v. Bouwen, bauen, bâtir, building, Holland: nieuwe zakelijkheid, neues bauen, vers une architecture réelle, built to live in. (1932). Prof. ill. Lge-8°. Ocl. (Extremities slightly dam.). Design and typography P. Schuitema. - Fanelli, 410. -- G. WEST. Innovation and the rise of the tunnelling industry. (1988). Ocl. w. dust-j. (W. stamp). -- G.J.J. BOTH. Tunnelbouw. 1935. Clothbacked brds. w. or. photomontage wrps. laid down. -- L.A. BEARDSLEE. Experiments on the strength of wrought-iron and of chain-cables. Revised & abridged by W. Kent. 1879. W. front. Ohcl. (Spine ends dam., front. loose, w. perforated and ink stamps of Franklin Institute). -- And 2 o. (6).
result € 70
LORENTZ, H.A. Beginselen der natuurkunde. Leiden, 1888-90. 2 vols. Cont. h. mor. w. gilt lettering. -- Id. De electronentheorie. Voordrachten, gehouden in Teyler's Stichting in Oct. 1918. Bew. d. W.H. Keesom. 1920. Owrps. -- Id. Het magnetisme. Voordrachten, gehouden in Teyler's Stichting in Jan. 1921. Bew. d. W.H. Keesom. 1922. Owrps. (Wrps. partly browned). -- (4).
result € 200
LORENTZ, H.A. Over het verband tuschen de voortplantingssnelheid v.h. licht en de dichtheid en samenstelling der middenstoffen. Amst., G.G. v.d. Post, 1878. (2), 112 pp. 4°. Or. thin printed brds., uncut. (Spine weak and loosening, but a very good copy).
€ 300
result € 340
MAXWELL, J.C. A treatise on electricity and magnetism. 3rd ed. Oxford, 1904. 2 vols. xxxii, 506; xxiv, 500 pp. W. 20 plates. Ocl. -- N. BOHR. Atomphysik und menschliche Erkenntnis. (1958). Ohcl. (Ex libr. copy). -- H. SCHROEDER. History of electric light. 1923. W. ill. Owrps. (Wrps. a bit dam.). -- And 1 o. (5).
€ 75
OPTICS -- HEYMANN, A. Mad. Lunettes et lorgnettes de jadis. Pref. de G. Lafenestres. Par., 1911. 2 parts in 1 vol. (2), x, (4), 65, (3); (2), 58, (2) pp. W. front., 26 plates (5 cold. & 1 fold.) & num. ill. 4°. Fine cont. blue h. mor. extra w. raised bands, dec. gilt back, t.e.g., w. owrps. bound up. (Extremities slightly chafed).
€ 500
result € 450
ORNITHOLOGY -- PENARD, F.P. & A.Ph. De Vogels van Guyana (Suriname, Cayenne en Demerara). Paramaribo/The Hague, F.P. Penard, (1908)-1910. 2 vols. xliv, 587, (1 advert.); (4), 587 pp. W. num. ills. Ocl.
result € 80
PERFUME -- BASSIRI, T. Introduction a l'étude des parfums. Paris, 1960. 278, (2) pp. Owrps. -- P. HUBERT. Plantes a parfums. Paris, 1909. xii, 610, (2) pp. Sm-8°. Ocl. -- (2). First mentioned very scarce. Both first editions.
PERFUME -- MCKENZIE, D. Aromatics and the soul, a study of smells. 1923. Brds. -- R. BURTON. The language of smell. (1976). Obrds. w. dust-j. -- F. KENNETT. History of perfume. (1975). Or. bind. w. dust-j. -- R. GENDERS. The scented wild flowers of Britain. (1971). Obrds. w. dust-j. -- P. JELLINEK. Die psychologischen Grundlagen der Parfümerie. (1951). Ocl. w. dust-j. -- And 3 o. (8).
€ 60
PERFUME -- RIMMEL, E. The book of perfumes. Lond., 1865. xx, 266 pp. W. 13 full-p. plates and many illustr. in text. Sm-8°. Later hcf. w. marbled paper sides. (Spine a bit discold., party a bit stained, but a good copy). First edition. -- Added: F.A. HAMPTON. The scent of flowers and leaves. Its purpose and relation to man. 1925. Sm-8°. Ohcl. -- J. FERGUSON. Bibliotheca chemica. A catalogue of the alchemical, chemical and pharmaceutical books in the collection of James Yong (…). (Photomech. reprint of the ed. 1906). 1974. 2 vols. Ocl. -- (4).
PERFUME -- SAWER, J.Ch. Odorographia, a natural history of raw materials and drugs used in the perfume industry. Lond., 1892-94. 2 vols. xxiv, 383; (8), 523, (13) pp. W. 1 fold. map and illustr. in text. Ocl. (Ti.-p. of first vol. a bit browned, but a very good set). - First edition.
PLANCK, M. Einführung in die mechanik deformierbarer Körper. 1919. Ohcl. (W. libr. stamps). -- F. GRASHOF. Theorie der Elasticität und Festigkeit mit Bezug auf ihre Anwendungen in der Technik. 1878. Cont. h. mor. (W. libr. stamps). -- S. TIMOSHENKO. Theory of plates and shells. 1940. - Id. Theory of elastic stability. 1936. - Id. & J.N. GOODIER. Theory of elasticity. 2nd ed. 1951. - 3 vols. Ocl. -- A.E.H. LOVE. A treatise on the mathematical theory of elasticity. 4th ed. (1952). Ocl. -- (6).
RUSKIN, J. Proserpina. Studies of Wayside Flowers, while the Air was yet pure among the Alps, and in the Scotland and England which my Father knew. Orpington, G. Allen, 1875-86. 10 (!) parts., paginated 1-287 and 1-204. W. tog. 15 full-p. plates. Owrps. Loose in cl. clamshell box. Scarce complete set of the first edition. Wise 208 (mentions 6 issues only!). -- Added: W.G. COLLINGWOOD. The Limestone Alps of Savoy; a Study in Physical Geology. W. an introd. by J. Ruskin. Orpington, G. Allen, 1884. Cont. h. mor. -- And: Th.J. WISE. A Complete Bibliography of the Writings in Prose and Verse of John Ruskin. (Photomech. reprint of the ed. 1883). 1964. 2 vols. Ocl. w. dust-j. -- (4).
SIDERIUS, K. Plantentypen I-IV: Voorjaarsbloemen - Meibloemen - Zomerbloemen - Zomerbloemen en sporeplanten. 1899-1905. 4 vols. W. 60 full-p. cold. lithogr. Or. lithogr. clothbacked brds. by Th. Nieuwenhuis. First editions and complete series in v.g. condition. Bouwstoffen, 1584. -- Added: E. HEIMANS & J.P. THIJSSE. Vlinders, bloemen en vogels - Hei en dennen - In de duinen - In het bosch - Door het rietland. 2e dr. In sloot en plas. 3e dr. 1894-1907. 6 vols. of the series. W. cold. lithogr. and plain plates. Or. clothbacked cold. lithogr. brds. (Some traces of use, 3rd mentioned a bit water wrinkled, but an attractive set). -- Id. In het Vondelpark. 1901. Or. dec. cl. -- E. HEIMANS. Wandelen en waarnemen. (1906). Or. dec. cl. -- And 4 similar. (16).
SPIDERS -- NIELSEN, E. The Biology of Spiders. With especial Reference to the Danish Fauna. 1932. 2 vols. Lge-8°. Ocl. -- G.H. LOCKET & A.F. MILLIDGE. British Spiders. 1974-75. 3 in 2 vols. Ocl., 1 w. dust-j. Vols. 1-2 reprint ed. 1951-53. -- W.S. BRISTOWE. The Comity of Spiders. (Facs. of the ed. 1941). (1968). 2 vols. Ocl. -- And 1 o. (7).
result € 40
SPIDERS -- SIMON, E. Les Arachnides de France. Tome VI, 1ère-3me partie: Le Synopsis général et le Catalogue des espèces françaises de l'Ordre des Araneæ. 1914-29. 3 vols. Mod. cl. -- Added: M. GRIVEAU. Histoire esthétique de la Nature. 1927-30. 3 vols. Mod. cl. w. red labels. -- (6).
STEIN, G. Beknopte natuurlijke historie, volgens de nieuwste ontdekkingen. Nieuwe uitg. Amst., L. Portman, 1822. (2), ii, (2), 278 pp. W. 75 cold. ills. on 9 plates. Cont. hcf., uncut. (New paper on sides, plates strengthened on folds w. mending tape).
€ 120
UILDRIKS, F.J. v. Onze rozen. Naar Dr. Julius Hoffmann's Rosenbuch für Gartenliebhaber. (c. 1905). W. 20 tipped-in chromolithogr. plates. 4°. Or. buckram. -- J.H. v. STRAATEN v. NES & C.P. MOERLANDS. Boskoop dans son dévelopment historique comme centre de pépinières. (1924). Prof. illustr. w. cold. tipped in plates. Fol.-obl. Ocl. (Extremities worn/dam.). Printed in a lim. numb. ed. -- E.Th. WITTE. Een keur van bloemheesters, geschikt voor tuinversiering en forceeren. (1904). W. 24 cold. chromolithogr. & num. text-ill. by J. Beckmann. Lge-8°. Or. dec. cl. -- And 1 o. (4).
UITTREKSELS uit vreemde tijdschriften, voor de leden v.h. Kon. Instituut van ingenieurs. 1855-1856 (&) 1856-1857. (1856-57). 2 in 1 vol. W. tog. 33 fold. plates. Fol. Cont. hcf. (Spine dam.). -- Ch. DELAUNAY. Allereerste gronden der practische en theoretische mechanica. Bew. d. F.A.T. Delprat. 2e verb. dr. 1857. W. ill. Bound. -- A.A.N.M. v. VELZEN. De voornaamste vliegmachines en haar motoren. (1911). W. ill. 4°. Or. pictorial cl. (Spine ends a bit worn). -- H. KEPPER Handboek voor de toepassing en het gebruik van water-, gas-, benzine-, petroleum-, stoom-, en electromotoren voor de kleine industrie en voor automobielen. (1900). W. ill. Ocl. -- And 4 o. (8).
result € 60
WILSON, J.C. Television engineering. Lond., 1937. xv, 492, 21, (3) pp. Ocl. (Spine ends slightly frayed). -- R.F. YATES. ABC of Television or Seeing by Radio. NY, 1929. viii, 210, (36) pp. Ocl. -- W.W. STIFLER, ed. High-speed computing devices. NY, (etc.), 1950. xiii, 451 pp. Ocl. -- 3 vols. First editions.