Veiling 357 Old & Rare Books - Dutch History & Topography

ZEELAND, ATLAS VAN; vervattende naauwkeurige kaarten van alle de eilanden, (...). Benevens grondtekeningen en gezigten der steden, afbeeldingen der voornaamste openbaare gebouwen, (...), enz. Als mede portraiten van eenige der vermaardste staatsmannen en zeehelden. Amst., I. Tirion, 1760. (8) pp. W. engr. dedic. portr., 6 engr. double-p. maps (2 lge-fold.), 6 double-p. plans, 18 portrs. by J. Houbraken, 7 double-p. views & 62 full-p. engr. w. tog. 107 views in diff. sizes. Fol. Cont. mottled cf. w. raised bands, dec. gilt spine, gilt centerpieces on both sides surrounded by 2 gilt dec. borders. (Spine very neatly restored, some yellowing mostly at the margins).

The maps in this atlas, based on the surveys of Zeeland by the Hattinga's, are also found in Tirion's Hand Atlas. The views are often of striking beauty and were executed by H. Spilman & J.C. Philips after the famous artist C. Pronk. - Tiele 59. Nota bene, the binding w. the very pretty floral motifs was made by the Second Stadholder Bindery (active 1755-1782), cf. Storm v. Leeuwen, De 18de eeuwse Haagse boekband in de KB en het Rijksmus. Meermanno-Westreenianum, pp. 97-101 and 403-404.

€ 1200

uitslag € 2200

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